Age of cats by human standards and features of its counting

As a rule, people begin to look after a small kitten at the age of two to five months, due to which to calculate the age of the cat by human standards

age of cats by human standards
in any moment of her life is not difficult. The prime of life of an animal is a period from one to nine years: at this age the cat is already considered adult, but not yet old, and provided that the necessary care is taken, it will be in the best physical and mental form.

But it also happens that in the care of the owner is already enough adult cat. Then the question arises as to how to determine the feline age by human standards?

At first, this seems rather difficult, because the appearance of all sexually mature animals is the same. But still make the appropriate calculations will not be difficult.

How to determine the age of cats by human standards?

The first thing to consider is the fact that if a catstill seemed small, to calculate her age, you can just wait until her puberty comes. As a rule, it occurs during the first ten months. However, this can happen both earlier and later, because of what this method is not accurate. In addition, it is necessary to know how old the cats can grow, and not to confuse sexual maturation with the physical, coming only in a year and a half.

age of a cat by human standards
How can you calculate the age of cats by human standards

There is no master who does not like to countfeline age "humanly." The simplest way is to replace the year of life of a cat for seven years, but this rule does not quite fit adult animals, and therefore after five years instead of one year of cat life it is necessary to take four years by the standards of a person. To learn the age of cats by human standards this method is possible not only at a small age, but almost in any period of the cat's life. The development of a kitten aged six months corresponds to the condition of a three-year-old child: during the first six months, cats can already start puberty. So before you start to consider the age of cats by human standards, you need to take into account the fact that the age ratio of cats and humans is fairly approximate. Cats at the age of two years are already fully formed personalities, and at this age they already have certain individual characteristics and habits, and this age can be adjusted in accordance with human fourteen years.

feline age by human standards

After twelve years that correspondhuman sixty years, the year of the cat's life begins to count for three human. As a rule, such data provides some help, thanks to which you can better understand your pet, understand why a cat has this or that behavior at certain periods of its life.

The age of the cat and man is put in some correspondence not just so, it is based on observation of their physiological and mental development.

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