The Transfiguration Church (Sochi) and its history

For two millennia of its history, much has gone throughthe ancient Hosta. Surrounded by boxwood groves, waterfalls and drowned in the glitter of the sea, she remembers many conquerors - from the ancient Greeks to treacherous Turks. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century began its development by the Russians, who established Orthodoxy in this fertile land.

Transfiguration Church of Sochi

The need to build a temple

In 1903 the wife of a prominent politicianthose years, the Minister of Justice IG Shcheglovitova, Maria Fedorovna headed the committee, on whose initiative in 1914 the temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sochi) was built. Hosta - a small village in those years where the events took place, consisted mainly of the estates of wealthy capital dignitaries who spent the summer months here, and the dwellings of those who by their labor provided them with heavenly bliss still here on sinful earth.

It was founded in 1903 and thanks tothe exceptional beauty of its surrounding nature soon became the refuge of representatives of the higher Petersburg society. But since the lucky owners of earthly goods assembled in it did not forget about spiritual food, there was a need for construction in the village of the temple, the absence of which created significant inconvenience.

On the threshold of a great cause

Maria Feodorovna was a vigorous lady and, takinginitiative in their own hands, showed an extraordinary organizational talent that many officials in the office of her husband could envy. By the way, we must pay tribute to the minister, thanks to her efforts, not only the Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Sochi) was built, which could only be explained by caring for one's own soul, but also a school for the poor, and a free dispensary. Apparently, in those early years, the daughters of fortune did not forget about those to whom Fortune was less supportive.

The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Sochi Hosta

Hardships on the construction of the temple found a response andBrotherhood of the Holy Trinity Monastery, which was in Adler. Headed by Hieromonk Markian (Starodubtsev) took steps to open a hostel in Khost, planning to consecrate him in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker. However, both to him and to the pious minister at that time prevented the financial difficulties and confusion associated with the Russian-Japanese war that began in 1905, and the First Russian Revolution that followed.

The blessing of the synod and the building of the temple

The case, frozen on the dead end, shifted fromplace only in 1909. The higher ecclesiastical leadership blessed Maria Feodorovna and members of the committee she had set up to build the church. It was also important that the bishops supported their pastoral blessing with a sum of four thousand rubles in gold (money at that time was huge), thanks to which the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sochi) appeared on the Black Sea coast five years later. This donation was made on behalf of the Emperor Nicholas II.

When all administrative andmaterial difficulties, the organizing committee announced the All-Russian competition for the creation of a project for future construction. Despite the fact that it was attended by architects from all over the country, the winner was the Sochi architect VA Ion, who at that time was known as an outstanding artist-designer, author of sketches of furniture and interiors of the high-altitude resort "Caucasian Riviera".

Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Sochi photo

According to the project he created, the Church of the TransfigurationThe Lord (Sochi) in many respects repeated the outlines of the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher. His solemn consecration took place in 1914, on the eve of the First World War, which became the beginning of the collapse of the great empire, under the wreckage of which for many decades was buried and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Years of spiritual desolation

As you know, in the years followingOctober coup, the new authorities launched a broad campaign against religion. If at first they were limited only to atheistic propaganda, then very soon they started up legislative measures using the full might of the repressive apparatus. Already at the beginning of 1929 the church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sochi) was closed, and his community was dispersed. Fortunately, the Lord did not allow the destruction of the temple, and throughout the Soviet period, its building was used for various household needs. The last, located in its walls of the institution, was the city automatic telephone station.

Transfiguration Church of Sochi

Return to Religious Life

As if anticipating the coming changes, the inhabitantsthe city created a religious community in the church even before its official transfer to the ownership of the Church. In 1989, to his northern wall was made a small annex, in which they began to conduct worship services. The long-awaited event occurred in 2001, when at last the faithful returned their original property - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sochi), a photo of which is presented in the article.

However, decades of godlessness prevailed in the countrythey imposed their imprint on his appearance, and to restore the former magnificence there was a great work that the parishioners, led by the rector of the church, were fulfilled with honor by archpriest Father Alexander (Yablokov). In this case, the invaluable assistance was rendered to them by voluntary donors, found both among individuals and among various organizations.

Sometimes donations came from the veryunexpected sources. One of these investors was popular in the country singer Yuri Shatunov, soloist of the cult group "Tender May." From his personal collection, he presented the temple with two icons of the XVIII century.

Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Sochi address

Temple for believers and unbelievers

Today, among other Russian shrines toThe church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Sochi) also returned to full religious life. His address is Khosta, ul. A highway, 9, is a sign in the city to all who do not think their life without God. Great interest is revived relics and people have disbelievers, but are able to perceive the finished beauty of its architectural forms. Rare tourists who come to this fertile southern city will not visit the Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Sochi). How to get to it, any resident of the city will tell. From Sochi, you can take buses Nos. 105, 122 and 125, and from Adler - 105, 118 and 125. This trip will remain in your memory for a long time.

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