Easy cookie recipes from puff pastry

For fans of pastry cookies from puff pastry, we have prepared some simple and insanely delicious recipes. Such baking will be a wonderful addition to your tea drinking.

Recipe for quick cookies made from puff pastry "Puff ears"
Of the ingredients listed below, approximately 35-40 are obtained.
To prepare this cookie you will need:
• One kilogram of puff pastry;
• one and a half glasses of sugar.

Method of cooking cookies:
1. First you need to divide the dough into two parts and roll each of them into a layer.
2. Next, we pour on the working surface of the table about a quarter of a glass of sugar, we put one layer of dough on top and press it slightly against the sugar.
3. Then, on the dough, add one-fourth of the glass of sugar.
4. Now visually mark the middle of the dough sheet and start from both sides roll the dough into a roll. In the process of folding, you need to gradually add another 0.25 part of a glass of sugar.
5. When the rolls are ready, cut them into cookies about a half centimeter wide.
6. Cut out cookies, put on a baking sheet so that there is a distance of about 3-4 centimeters between them.
7. It remains only to put our cookies in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees (if sugar is caramelized, then the cookie is ready).

For those who like recipes from the stars, we present cookies from puff pastry with dates.
You will need these ingredients:
• three hundred grams of puff pastry;
• one egg yolk;
• One hundred grams of cream;
• dates (pitted);
• pistachios (ground);
• sugar.

Cookie preparation:
1. To start, the dough should be thawed and rolled into a 20 mm thick layer.
2. Mix the yolk and cream and this mass grease the dough.
3. Further, along the long edge of the dough, we spread the dates, and it is desirable to deviate one centimeter from the edge.
4. All the rest of the test should be sprinkled with sugar (orient yourself to your own taste) and ground nut.
5. Then, starting from the edge where the dates are, we begin to roll the dough into a roll and carefully patch the edges.
6. Cut the resulting roll into slices with a diameter of one centimeter and grease them with yolk.
7. At the end, put our circles on the baking tray and put in the oven for 25 minutes for medium heat.

And now we will tell you how to prepare useful cookies from buckwheat flour.
Buckwheat cookies
For such a cookie you will need:
• 170 grams of buckwheat flour;
• 125 grams of sugar powder;
• two eggs;
• 70 grams of honey (buckwheat);
• one teaspoonful of butter.

How to cook buckwheat cookies:
1. Beat eggs with sugar powder and add honey and flour (preferably sieved through a sieve). All this must be well kneaded until a uniform consistency is obtained.
2. We leave the dough for half an hour in a warm place, where there is no draft. Also the dough should be covered with a towel.
3. While preparing the pan: for this we cover it with baking paper, lubricated with butter.
4. Heat the oven to a temperature of 160 degrees.
5. When the dough is suitable, you need to lay it on a baking tray with a tablespoon.
6. The oven needs about fifteen to twenty minutes.
7. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Do not know what to make cookies from? And try baking cookies from cereal. But here's a tasty and simple recipe.

Oatmeal cookies with chocolate
Necessary ingredients:
• one and a half cup oatmeal;
• the third part of a glass of flour;
• two table spoons of cocoa;
• 160 grams of butter;
• 1 glass of sugar (brown);
• one egg;
• one handful of walnuts;
• half a spoonful of baking powder;
• Approximately one hundred grams of chocolate.

Cooking method:
1. First mix the flour (sifted), cocoa, oat flakes and baking powder.
2. Nuts can grind. And you can not grind (then the cookies will turn more crispy).
3. In a bowl, rub the lavender foam with butter and sugar. Then we beat the egg into this mixture and then rub it. The next step is adding flour.
4. When our dough becomes more homogeneous, you can add nuts.
5. We put parchment on the baking sheet, and then place the biscuits with mugs. The distance between cookies should be about five centimeters.
6. You care for such yummy, not for long - just ten minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.
7. Melt the chocolate in the water bath.
8. Cook the cookie in the melted chocolate and put it on the grate.
9. We wait until the cookie stiffens.

We hope that your cookbook has been replenished with several recipes of puff pastry cookies.

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