Rosehip: how to brew, benefit, testimony

Rosehip, or wild rose, is a frequent visitorgardens and vegetable gardens in Russia. And this popularity is due not only to the attractive appearance of this wonderful bush, but also to the benefit that all parts of the dog rose bring to the body: petals, fruits, seeds and roots. In folk medicine, a dog rose is often used. How to brew it correctly know not all.

Not everyone knows and how useful they really arebeverage based on dogrose. So, the content of vitamin C rosehip exceeds the recognized leaders - citrus in a few dozen times. This means that dogrose much better helps with colds, and in general strengthening of immunity. Contained in the dog rose and other vitamins: K, R, A, E, vitamins of group B. Thanks to this, wild rose can be used for beriberi.

But on this list of useful substances,contained in the dog rose, does not end. Impressive and the amount of trace elements: iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, sodium and much more. Do not forget about sugars, pectin, essential oils and organic acids. All these substances have a positive effect on the human body.

Such wealth in terms of composition determines anda wide range of hips. As mentioned above, dog rose improves immunity, helps in the fight against beriberi, has a positive effect on digestion, stimulates the kidneys, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes and prevents the spread of harmful bacteria. In addition, rosehip accelerates regeneration.

It remains only this extremely useful plantuse correctly, so that you get the maximum dose of nutrients and do not lose them. Most often for these purposes, rose hips are used. Brewing rose hips for many people is something for granted, and they do not think about how to do it right, preserving useful properties.

How to brew the hips? There is no consensus on this. And on the Internet, and various literature, it is easy to find a wide variety of recipes. In this place, probably, it makes sense to recall that a long temperature effect has a destructive effect on all organic substances, including vitamins.

Ideal raw materials for the infusion will be freshrose hips. How to brew fresh rose hips? To do this, you need to knead a tablespoon of rose hips thoroughly, and then pour a glass of boiling water. To insist berries should not less than half an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered through several layers of gauze. To enhance the useful properties of this drink, you can add a tablespoon of honey to it.

Used for making infusions and driedrose hips. How to brew dried fruit? They do not need to be triturated. 2 tablespoons dried berries are poured into 500 ml of hot water, covered with a lid and allowed to infuse for several hours. It is convenient to put a dogrose insist on the night. In the morning, the infusion is filtered through gauze. Drink this infusion of 100 ml per day.

It remains only to learn how to make a decoction ofrose hips. There are no fundamental differences in the technology of making infusions and broths. The only difference is that to prepare the broth, the berries are thrown into still boiling water. Boil the dogrose on low heat for 10 minutes, then remove from the plate and leave, as well as infusion, until the morning, and then filter.

By the way, about percolation. This is an important part that you just need to do. The fact is that the hips are covered with small thorns, which, if they get into the drink, can cause coughing and choking in the throat, irritating the mucous membrane.

In addition, hips of wild rose before cookingmust be thoroughly washed. Rosehip goes well with lemon or apple juice. In addition, fruits are not all that a dog rose is useful for. How to brew, for example, rose hips? After all, they too can be useful. Delicious and healthy tea is obtained from the petals of peony and dogrose. For this drink, you need a teaspoon of peonies and a tablespoon of rose hips petals. They must be crushed and pounded with a wooden pestle. Then the flower gruel is transferred to a teapot rinsed with boiling water and 300 ml of boiling water are poured. The kettle must be closed with a lid and covered with a tissue napkin. After ten minutes the drink can be poured into cups, necessarily filtering.

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