Social network VKontakte". Choose a nick for the contact

With the total spread of virtualreality in our life came such a thing as "nickname". Nickname is, in fact, the name that people come up to in order to register in games, communicate on forums, in social networks, etc. If to talk about the latter, the most popular social network in Russia today is VKontakte. And the nicknames that are used there have some features.

Why do I need a nickname for a contact?

This question is set by many inexperiencedusers, and they can be understood. After the given social network at registration asks to name the name and a surname. So why make up a nickname for contact?

If in most other cases the nickname is intendedhide the real user name, then "VKontakte" it serves as an addition. After all, social networks are used by many people for acquaintances, for communication, for tying up relationships, etc. So, the page should somehow characterize the person and signal about other important things for communication.

nick for contact

Choosing a Nick

Administration "VKontakte" together with the introductionname and surname suggests to get also a nickname. And many will gladly accept this offer. Someone wants to be easily found by friends, classmates, classmates, colleagues and other familiar people. In this case, the nickname for contact is taken, for example, in the form of a nickname known to everyone, which this person has in his communication circles. And someone else, on the contrary, tends to remain incognito in the network. And instead of the surname introduces a mysterious nickname. Each pursues its own goals.

Based on these and other factors, are selectednicknames. And to approach this issue should be responsible, because the virtual name will be used for a long time ... Some even believe that choosing a nickname is more difficult than calling a child. Very great range of options!

nick for contact for girls

About bad nicks

When choosing a nickname for a contact, remember thatYou can not choose very long, poorly pronounced virtual names. Also a gross error is the use of signs that are not on the keyboard. If you admit such a mistake, then instead of characters in nickel will be empty squares.

Definitely, a bad nickname is "stolen" fromsomeone or too common. For example: "Dasha-darling" or "Igor-superman". A user with such a nickname will prove to be an empty and unoriginal person.

It is not necessary to choose a name for network communication deliberately embellish. For example, the situation when the 14-year-old face-eyed Hen calls himself "Monster invincible", looks at least funny.

And to demonstrate their problems is also not good. As, for example, people who have chosen the words "Lonely", "Egoist", "Suicide", etc. make such an approach in social networks, they will not add and even make a not very good impression.

beautiful nicks for contact

About good nicknames

In general, when choosing a nickname for a contact, it is not worth ittoo frankly to talk about himself in it. A good nickname is a hint, a riddle, a rebus for the one who will study the page. His task is to intrigue, interest, attract attention ...

Beautiful nicks for contact are obtained if you approach the issue creatively, to show imagination. You can, for example, remember the brand of the car, or your favorite hero from the movie, computer game.

An interesting result is provided when, whennickname the user will open at random the page of the English-Russian dictionary and blindly choose the word. If the value and sound like it, it is quite possible to take the word for a nickname. Such a mystery no one can guess, and the intrigue is guaranteed. Nicky for contact - funny, original, with a deep semantic meaning, easy to pronounce words and phrases - that's the perfect choice!

nicks for contact

A few tips for girls

Nick for contact - for girls a special headache. After all, every representative of the beautiful half wants to be irresistible and attractive not only in real life, but also on the social network page.

And this desire often leads to excesses. In order to emphasize her femininity and charm, the girls choose something like "kitty", "babies", "babies" ... By pushing off normal guys and attracting various dubious types that are hanging around the net in search of easy prey. And, by the way, the widespread Anyuta, Pole, Nastyushka - look trite and talk about the frivolity of the lady. Such nicknames are usually chosen by young girls or users who do not have much experience in social networks.

An interesting nickname for a contact for girls isthe names of some mythical characters, heroines of legends, fairy tales, works of art, films that evoke pleasant associations and with which the lady associates herself. Also remarkable as nicks will look the names of various natural phenomena or elements, something hinting at the nature of the owner of a virtual name.

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