What is the evolution of nature and is it in society?

Even in ancient times people found remainsstrange beasts. The giant bones of dinosaurs, skulls of saber-toothed tigers and mammoths suggested that earlier the earth was inhabited by several other animals and plants than those that we can observe now. In 1575, a scientist from France B. Palissi compiled an inventory of the found fossil remains, comparing them with the structure of the body of modern organisms. Being unfamiliar with the concept of what evolution is, he still established that the remains do not belong to any of the living forms of organic matter. Thus, he concluded that biological species are not immutable.

What is evolution?

Darwin in the XIX century did not discover this phenomenon, andI tried to explain what evolution is and how it happens. His merit is that he put forward and proved the theory of natural selection. With climate and environmental change, and there are many such periods in the history of the globe, a process of screening out weak species that do not adapt to changing conditions is taking place, giving place to new and more successful forms of life. The evolutionary process operates within the species, when the stronger individual leaves the descendants after himself, and the weaker one dies without continuing the genus.

The evolution of the organic world
What is evolution - this even before Darwin knewscientists who were engaged in embryogenesis, that is, studied the development of the fetus. The Latin term "evolutio" (unfolding) was opposed to another Latin word - "revolutio" (coup). Observing how gills replace lungs in a human embryo, evolutionists believed that the structures of the life phases in a fertilized egg were laid down initially and only gradually, and the revolutionists defended the opposite point of view: the embryo transforms into an "empty" place.

However, these were controversies far from the everydaylife of the scientific world. While theorists of embryogenesis broke their spears, Darwin publicly declared what evolution is in nature. He proved that all life on Earth develops from simple to complex, and that in the history of our planet there are many dead-end branches that have died out, unable to adapt to the changed conditions. This caused a storm of resentment among the creationists who believed that all the living God created in the days of the creation of the world, and in the form in which we observe today.

Evolution of society

The evolution of the organic world is unambiguouspointed to the fact that man also separated from anthropoid primates through natural selection. Now, in the XXI century, no one disputes that evolution is a proven fact. Paleontological chronicle - the layers of the earth - shows that the amphibians appeared in Devon, the reptiles - in Carbon, and the beasts - in Trias. Moreover: now, in a globalized world, when animals and plants are artificially moved to other corners of the planet, in conditions of warming and human economic activity, we can observe that natural selection continues to operate.

Already a superficial introduction to the historyof mankind gives rise to the belief that among the Homo Sapiens species as a community, evolutionary changes also occur. Immediately after the Darwinian discoveries, the sociology theory penetrated the theory that the evolution of society follows similar laws as in the wild. O. Comte believed that the main parameter of social development is knowledge and scientific and technological progress. G. Spencer also saw the evolution in the complexity of the structures of society, where great importance is played by the rights of the individual. And the productive factor is the determining factor of social changes in the Marxist theory.

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