What is a scourge? Meaning of the Russian and English words

Very often we encounter difficulties in determining certain words, especially if the word is an abbreviation or borrowing from another language. For example, not everyone knows what a "scourge" is.

Meanings of a word in Russian

The word is multivalued. It can be used in relation to any person. The decipherment of the word is "a former intelligent person". Initially it was meant to designate the person who has an education, is intelligent and educated, but for some reason decided to "go to the people", that is, to become unemployed, homeless and free.

What is a scourge?
Most often such people drink, but notlose their "intelligence". However, now it is used usually for any homeless person, a poor drunkard, a homeless person, etc. In this case, the word "scourge" can also act as an insult.

Very often this word occurs in literaryworks, poems, in political speeches. The meaning of the word whip in this case is what causes any disasters. Either this is a disaster, a punishment. This word has a high stylistic coloring (dictionaries usually give a note "book" or "high").

The third meaning of the word is a whip or whip forpunishment. Such an instrument was used since ancient Greece and Rome to punish fugitive slaves, criminals, thieves. The scourge was made from ropes or from branches, was not very thick. A certain number of blows was assigned. The mention of such a whip is still in the Bible.

Possible word combinations with this word

In the first meaning, such phrases can be formed: "he is a scourge", "being / becoming / becoming a scourge", "turning into a scourge".

In the second sense: "scourge of the people - alcoholism", "scourge of irony", "scourge of satire" (that is, punishment in the form of satire, punishing its action), "scourge of the Lord" (some natural action).

In the third sense: "elastic / whipping whip", "click the scourge".

What is a scourge in English?

What is a scourge in English?

In English, as in Russian, this word has several meanings.

Beach - if it is a noun - beach, beachriver or sea. The verb means "walk to the shore", "moor". Adjective - coastal, coastal, beach. So this word is translated. However, in English there are phrases with it that have the meanings of being "stranded," "a man who has come from somewhere unknown" and others. These combinations can be compared to the Russian word meaning "a fallen person".

The same pronunciation has a word with another beech writing - beech or made of beech wood.

In addition, this word can be obscene.

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