Where is Easter Island? Easter Island: photo

"Where is Easter Island?" - this question interests many. The place is exotic and shrouded in a heap of legends and beliefs. However, it will be very difficult to get there.

Where is Easter Island: coordinates

where is Easter Island coordinates

A small piece of land, annexed by Chile inbeginning of the twentieth century, is located at 3600 km from the South American continent. The nearest island group is 2075 km to the east. It is easy to guess that from all inhabited places of the Earth Easter Island is one of the most remote. The area of ​​this unique monument of the Rapanian culture is 163.6 km2. It is a small size and a very distant location from the mainland caused questions about where the Easter Island is located. By the way, this combination is absolutely incorrect, since the island in that region is one, and it is hardly correct to regard small fragments of rocky shallows as islands. It is even more surprising that such an island lost in the waters of the Pacific Ocean sheltered on its small lands the amazing nation Rapa Nui, which, presumably, erected amazing stone statues.

Historical reference

Certainly, it is not enough to know where Easter Island is. His story is no less interesting than the location.

where are the Easter Island
The island appeared standard for numerousarchipelagos and atolls of the largest ocean of the planet: thanks to a volcanic eruption. Constant eruptions and riot of the winds made the coasts hard to reach for mooring ships: there are only two places where you can step on the coast from the liner, without breaking beforehand on the rocks.

The first colonists reached this losta patch of land 1300 years ago. They noticed large palm groves, which were immediately put into construction of dwellings and boats. Later, a small civilization had a hard time: the constant attacks of Peruvian pirates reduced the population of the land every year. In addition, Catholic preachers destroyed the people's artifacts from the Easter Island, causing irreparable damage to the unique culture of Rapa Nui. At present, the remains of ancient structures are protected by UNESCO.

Moai stone idols

where the Easter Island
How Rapa Nui created the famous stonesculpture, is not known until now. They are blocks, the weight of which is up to 14 tons, and the height can reach 4 meters. Curiously, idols can be found everywhere: in places where the Easter Island meets the ocean, or in the depths, near mountains and volcanoes. In other words, the Moai cult was of great importance to the people of the era of erection of stone idols. Presumably, they were built in order to celebrate the death of a tribesman: the larger the statue, the greater the honor to the deceased. However, the question arises: "How did the stone blocks move from one point of the island to the other?"

The answer to it is likely to be found alreadyis impossible. However, the found unfinished prototypes of future statues suggest that idols were first chiseled out of rock, and then on logs or ropes were transported from one part of the island to another.

How to get there?

It would seem, knowing where the island of Easter is,To reach its shores will not be a problem. Unfortunately, it is not. You can try your luck and get on one of the liners that depart from the coast of Australia or South America, going to conquer the expanses of Oceania, especially since the first inhabitants reached the island on dilapidated boats. However, the most adequate option is to fly by plane.

where is the Easter Island
But not everything is so simple with a flying machine: you can fly to the desired place only from Chile and Tahiti. For the people of Russia, even Australia is very far away, and this is only a transit point on the way. In total, the flight to the shores of the famous island will take several days, and also will eat a fair portion of finance. It is also worth remembering that there is only one city on the island, so the inspection of Unesco monuments is the only joy available to a tourist.

When to visit?

Despite the remoteness of the place where theEaster Island, this is a fairly popular tourist region, having its own periods of influx and decline in the activity of visitors. Given the fact that this piece of land is located near the equator, it is impossible to meet snowdrifts here at any time of the year. However, the high season begins in the summer: from January to March. Then follows the decrease in the tourist flow, although the temperature conditions are still not very severe: about 17 degrees in the coldest months. Thus, if you want to enjoy the beauties of the Easter Island without crowding crowds, it's best to come between April and November.

Easter Island is a unique place. Here you can admire the volcano, visible even from outer space, with unique stone statues. In addition, the population of the island can tell a lot to travelers, as local legends were passed on from generation to generation. So now it is known where the Easter Island is, and what they, or rather it is, they represent.

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