Psychic phenomena and the inner world of man

Psychic phenomena of man form a rich inner world, in which four large groups can be distinguished. Let us consider them in more detail.

First, mental processes are special actsinternal activity, which have the object of reflection, have a regulative and cognitive function. The fact is that they contribute to the formation of images in the human mind. These mental phenomena can be divided into three large groups:

  • cognitive (attention, imagination, memory, sensation, thinking, perception),
  • emotional,
  • volitional.

Thanks to their functioning, the human psyche is formed. This is a unique combination of these processes.

Secondly, mental states. They are a temporary identity of internal activity, which is determined by a special content, as well as the attitude of the person to it. Such psychic phenomena represent a relatively stable integration of all human manifestations that occur under the condition of its interaction with reality. They can be sufficiently persistent or quickly occurring phenomena. These psychic phenomena reflect the functional level of internal activity, depending on what the conditions of the subject's activities and his personal characteristics.

As practice shows, states can become situational, short-term and sufficiently stable. They can be divided into four large groups:

  • motivational (passions, drives, interests, aspirations and desires);
  • emotional (mood, affect, stress and frustration);
  • strong-willed (purposefulness, initiative, perseverance, determination, etc.);
  • intellectual (attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination).

Moreover, the states reflect the relation to the phenomena of reality (positive, negative, neutral, etc.).

Third, mental properties. They are sufficiently stable internal formations that are formed in the process of human activity and communication.

Consider these mental phenomena in more detail.

Temperament and character are the most persistentproperties. They are very active in the behavior and life of a person. The individual is born with a certain type of temperament (choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic), the properties of which significantly influence the formation of his character. Under the influence of education and other conditions, some of its features are sharpened, becoming stable. As a result, they say that "such a person in nature."

Mental properties are also makings andability. The second group of phenomena is formed in the process of activity. So, a child is born with certain inclinations (mathematical, artistic, sports, music, etc.), which in the future can develop in the presence of favorable conditions, becoming abilities, or "extinguished." Therefore, parents need to ensure their formation, recording the growing up person in a variety of circles and sections.

Fourth, mental education. They are the result of constant work of the psyche and consciousness of a person, his development and self-improvement. This group includes the following: acquired over the course of life skills, knowledge and skills, as well as beliefs, attitudes, attitudes, habits.

Consequently, the available forms of manifestations of the psycheare interdependent and interrelated. In the process of development and formation of personality, changes will also occur in its structure and content. And scientists have been proven that these aspects are quite stable.

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