The most effective exercises for slimming belly and sides

Many people who dream about ideal forms dreamhe dreams - he is already enjoying his miniature forms. Very often, the "lean" fever covers the entire female community in the spring and the pre-holiday period. We want to look spectacular on New Year's corporate, on the beach or in the pool. These are just a few reasons to lose a couple of kilograms. Often this must be done very quickly, so today we will analyze the most effective exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.

exercises for slimming belly and sides
The first complex

Let's turn to practice without unnecessary words. This basic complex will allow you to tighten your muscles in 2 weeks of daily activities. Begin with the number of approaches that you are able to. These exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides really work, if you give them no less than half an hour a day.

  1. Simple twisting. It is performed lying on the back, legs are bent. Raise the top of the trunk. At the same time, we pull up the bent legs. Touching the elbows of the knees and counting to five, we return to the starting position. We repeat as many as possible. Not less than 20 times.
  2. Exercise for rest. The starting position is the same. Just strain your abdominal muscles as you exhale. To better feel how your press works, put your hand on your stomach. Make at least 40 similar breaths-exhalations. Such easy exercises for weight loss of the abdomen can be done in public transport while sitting.
  3. Active bicycle. Legs rotate in the usual exercise "bike", hands at the same time are behind the head. We take our elbows to the opposite knee, lifting the front part of the trunk. We twist the bicycle to the pain in the muscles.
  4. Low scissors. Scissors familiar to us, but the legs are executed at a distance of 15 centimeters above the floor. Not less than 20 repetitions.
  5. We repeat the exercise to rest from the second point.
  6. Compensating exercise. Here we need to stretch the muscles so that they do not get sick the next day. Turn on your stomach, lift the upper part of the trunk on your hands. Try to bend your back as much as possible.
  7. Repeat all exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides as many times as you allow time or health. It is better to start with one repetition, increasing the number every three days.

Exercises for rapid weight loss of the sides

exercises for rapid weight loss of the sides

Some yoga will help you here. To get rid of the barrels quickly enough, you need to repeat the complex in the morning and evening. Charging itself will take no more than 8 minutes, but its effect you will feel after a week of daily training. So, here they are - exercises for fast slimming of the sides:

  1. Usual slopes. Put your hands behind your head and make quick slopes to the sides. For starters, you will have enough and 40 repetitions, increase their number every day.
  2. Torso rotations. Fix the lower part of the body, making turns only on the top. The arms should be bent at the elbows at the chest level, trying to move the elbow as far as possible in the direction of movement.
  3. Exercises for slimming belly and sides of yoga. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. We make the slopes in this position. Make sure that the buttocks are not raised, and the body does not fall down. You should feel how the lateral muscles are stretching.
  4. easy exercises for slimming belly
    The starting position is the same. Place your left hand on your right knee, turning as far as you can. Twist the case, as you do. Do not hold your breath, it's very important. Breathe deeply at the moment of twisting, hold in this position. Repeat the other way.
  5. The most effective exercise is the side bar. Lie on your side, leaning on your elbow. Tear off the torso from the floor. Lean only on the elbow and the heels. A more complex version of this exercise is when you lean on your heels and your outstretched arm. Repeat at least 5 times.
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