Push-ups for pectoral muscles

Push-ups - for pectoral muscles very effectivean exercise. With the help of push-ups, you can work well both the upper and lower part of the chest. The value of this exercise is that, in addition to the chest muscles, it develops and other muscle groups. For the triceps of the hands, anterior part of the shoulder muscles, the widest muscles of the back, push-ups are very effective. For the pectoral muscles this exercise is indispensable. The muscles of the chest during its execution are worked out in the best way.

For classical push-ups, you need to arrangepalms along the width of the shoulders, so that the load is distributed evenly over the muscles of the entire body. It is equally important that the position of the body during push-ups is correct with respect to the horizontal plane. In the event that you prefer the elevation as a support for the hands, the bulk of the load will lie on the muscles of the bottom of the chest.

Special push-ups for pectoral muscles are included inprogram of almost any athlete. The bottom of the breast is that part, from the relief of which the appeal of this muscle group depends. The breast, cut below, seems large and attracts attention. Many athletes for such exercises use benches to regulate the position of the body in space and, accordingly, distribute the load to muscle groups. If, on the contrary, you decide to place your legs above your head when pushing up, the lion's share of the load will go to the top of your chest.

Often the question arises whetherpush-ups for pectoral muscles are so useful? Yes, it is, but when doing push-ups, you need to take into account that this is a work for yourself, so you do not need to jot down here, you need to push it as smoothly as possible and lower the case down as far as possible. At the end of each repetition, do not try to straighten the arms in the elbow joint completely, they need to be left slightly bent, as this allows to increase the useful load on the muscles of the hands.

If you do not have the opportunity to study ingym, where there are all the necessary simulators, but you have a burning desire to build up a beautiful chest, that is, the ways with which it can really be done at home. For example, in order to work out the breast well, it is worthwhile to put several books under your hands when pushing, while in each repetition your chest should bend below the level of these books. This will increase the load on the muscles of the chest, but do not forget that the body during exercise should remain flat and there should be no distortions, otherwise you may not get the proper effect.

Quite often, athletes have a question whichcomplex exercises for pectoral muscles is most effective? There is no unambiguous answer. For each person, exercises should be selected individually, taking into account the physical capabilities, the degree of preparedness and anatomical features of the body, in particular, the chest. Generally speaking, the complex of exercises for working out the muscular group of the thorax should begin with the bench press lying down, the angle of inclination can be changed depending on which part of the breast you want to increase the load. This exercise, as a rule, is supplemented by the arrangement of dumbbells, lying on the bench, to the sides. The wiring allows you to pump the muscles completely, and after the first two approaches you can feel the feeling of hammered, or swollen pectoral muscles. In this case, the occupation should be stopped, so that the muscles can be restored to the next workout.

The program for the pectoral muscles of an established athlete andbeginning athlete is significantly different. When practicing in the gym, the basic exercises are movements with a barbell and dumbbells, these are all kinds of wiring and types of bench press. In the absence of the opportunity to attend the gym the most effective are push-ups on the uneven bars. With an emphasis on the development of the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to wring out as much as possible deeply, it is desirable that when you bend downwards, your shoulders do not fall above the level of the brushes. Given three such classes per week, each of which should include up to six approaches for 20-30 push-ups, your pectoral muscles will have an attractive outline.

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