Yoga lessons for beginners. What is it for

Prefix "fitness" to the word "yoga" is not attachedaccidentally. This was promoted by the agiotage of aerobics (exhausting exercises were considered an excellent way to lose weight) and psycho-training (we load the mind in order to throw off extra pounds). As a result, the beginning of the 2000s presented a new direction of studies called Body & Mind, which closely related psychological and physical loads. It was then that quiet people started to learn a lot of static poses. We relax the head, we strain the muscles. This was the beginning of the development of a new type of exercise - fitness yoga. For beginners, a lot of techniques are presented. Do not be confused with yoga in its pure form, which is a philosophy.

Yoga classes for beginners have a number of distinctivefeatures and classic hath are reminiscent of only indirectly. First, they are maximally adapted for unprepared students who have just begun to get acquainted with art called yoga. Asanas for beginners are quite accessible and easy to perform. For example, if a student is not able to touch his feet with his fingers (their tips), then he will be able to perform a number of lighter poses. Further, fitness yoga for beginners expands a number of required asanas. Thus, development provides for a gradual increase in the abilities of the student, which excludes injuries and reluctance to continue studies. Gradually increasing the load allows the body to adapt better, especially if the exercises begin in the absence of physical training.

As a rule, yoga lessons for beginners attractfrom the first lesson. Professional training is carried out under the guidance of wise teachers and contributes to the formation of the right attitude to this type of occupation. If this did not happen, then most likely, the student made one of three classic mistakes.

  1. Lack of a specific goal or erroneous idea about the possibility of doing exercises.

Fitness yoga for beginners guarantees a permanentinterest only in the case when a person knows and understands what he wants to get from the class. A pointless visit to the lessons of yoga will not produce any result. The goal may be:

  • maintaining the beauty of your body;
  • the ability to control your body and feelings;
  • to increase moral stability to stressful situations;
  • raise self-confidence;
  • the appearance of stretching and flexibility, etc.

As for the erroneous expectations that allegedlycan give yoga lessons for beginners, then for a long time there is a myth about the miraculous speed of getting rid of excess weight due to exercises of this type. This is a myth and an advertising move. The purpose of the exercise is not fat burning, it is a completely different direction of action on the human body.

2. Unjustified self-confidence.

Doing your own at home,of course, it is possible, but this often leads to injuries and, as a result, to disappointment in the method itself. Yoga classes for beginners should be conducted under the supervision of a qualified instructor who will create the necessary training base and direct the action of such warm-up in the right direction.

3. Lack of consistency.

Fitness yoga for beginners - regular andthought out exercises. Pursuing, do not imitate anyone and try to "jump above your head." This can lead to pain. Pain should not arise. It has nothing to do with the relaxation of yoga. Asanas for beginners are specially designed, so that an unprepared person can understand and feel the essence of the exercises. All that is required of you is to trust your body.

The essence of yoga is pleasure, harmony of comfort. The goal is a sense of satisfaction and relaxation. And wrinkle grimaces and find a collection of tears - the lot of another type of gym.

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