What if the iPhone dropped into the water? Advice

Products brand Apple has long established itselfon the market of mobile devices as high-quality and high-tech electronics. However, the lucky owners of elegant iPhone phones can be disappointed by the fact that their mobile phone, in general, is practically not protected from the harmful effects of water. Oleophobic coating will not save an expensive mobile phone from prolonged "rainy procedures" and the pressure of a liquid filled bath. And so the question: "What if the iPhone dropped into the water?" Is quite relevant. At once we will make a reservation: only your efficiency and precise actions will help to avoid fatal outcome of unforeseen "wet" circumstances. Not at all superfluous references and common humor of the narrative will magically make of you, the dear reader, a techie-rescuer. So get ready for reincarnation!

Council number 1: Food for thought, or Pilaf from the iPhone

What if the iPhone dropped into the water?

Various Internet resources (in the globalmanifestation) vying to offer a miracle recipe for the restoration of "wet" mobile equipment. It is worth noting that this version is not meaningless, but certainly not suitable for iPhone-devices. Since the rather hermetic case of the discussed model will cast doubt on the success of the enterprise, which can be briefly characterized by the phrase: "drawing moisture from the bowels of the device with the help of ... rice." Since the modern panacea (in the opinion of all the same sources), which solves the difficult question of "what to do if an iPhone dropped into the water," is precisely this cereal. It is considered that its grains have fantastic properties, "reincarnating" drowned and washed phones. Irony is not relevant only if the drowned device is previously disassembled and completely immersed in the motherboard in Fig. However, treatment by special means will also be the final part of the recovery process. Draw your own conclusions: is it worth it to fall asleep with a mobile phone with rice cereal and languish in anticipation (rice technology gives a result only in 12-48 hours), like Buratino from a famous fairy tale?

Tip # 2: Specifically explaining what to do

The iphone fell into the water

If the iPhone dropped into the water, the first thing to do is turn it off. The plan for further action is as follows:

  • You do not need to shake your cell phone and try to squeeze out the remnants of the penetrated liquid from it.
  • Dry the device and using improvised tools, try to unscrew the two end screws that are located on the edges of the system connector of the device.
  • After releasing the back cover of the device from the fixing elements, slide this body piece up and lift it up.
  • Carefully loosen the two mounting bolts of the frame, which fixes the battery connector.
  • Disassemble the battery, before disconnecting the terminal from the pad of the phone's motherboard.

This is the main thing that needs to be done when the iPhone dropped into the water. Next, you should consult a specialist or take a number of actions to restore the "drowned man".

Tip # 3: Your technical upgrade

In the previous paragraph, the phrase was mentioned"Improvised means," which could well have been a penknife, a clasp with sharp edges or a key to an apartment. As you probably understand, the priority action in the moment of adverse water impact is the operatively conducted process of de-energizing the phone. Since the life-giving moisture in this situation completely loses all its "magic" properties - this is a real death for unprotected electronics. Therefore, in case of an unforeseen "state of emergency" to be fully armed, for wisdom sake, get special Apple-screwdrivers, which - believe me! - more than once will be needed. After all, our life is incredibly dynamic, and the repetition of the situation "the iPhone has fallen into the water" is only a matter of time ...

Tip # 4: For those who have adopted Recommendation No. 3 and are confident in their own abilities

What if the iPhone fell into the water?

Decide on self-made repairsto clean the inside of the device from traces of water penetration is easiest for a man, rather than for a fairer sex. However, a technically savvy woman will easily cope with a solution, in general, an uncomplicated task - dismantling the hull of a mobile device.

  • Before you begin the practical implementation of the script: "What if the iPhone dropped into the water?", Find a video clip for disassembling your iPhone model.
  • Prepare the workstation and tool.
  • Medical alcohol and brush (small size)You will need to clean the inside of the enclosure and the components on the phone circuit board that has been exposed to water or any other derivative.
  • After you carefully disassemble the phone, treat each component on the board with alcohol. Using a prepared brush, carefully clean the device of moisture.
  • Using a household hair dryer, dry all components and structural parts of the device.
  • Carry out the reverse assembly, making sure that there are no "spare" parts left after the end of the process.

What if the iPhone 5 fell into the water?

You can be congratulated: now you know what to do if the iPhone 5 fell into the water. However, the principle and algorithm of the recovery process remains unchanged and is identical literally for the entire line of iPhones. Only some structural features should be taken into account in the repair process, which you can easily find out by polishing the pages of the corresponding information resources.

Tip # 5: Troubleshooting

Once you have safely collected yourdevice, the question: "What if your iPhone dropped into the water?", Most likely, it will seem simple in terms of its implementation. However, it is still too early to draw conclusions, since it is necessary to verify the operability of the device.

What if you dropped your iPhone into the water?

  • Start the phone.
  • Connect the charger. If you are not charging, you will hardly be able to avoid visiting the workshop. Do not try to correct the situation yourself. Painfully this troublesome business.
  • Check the sound quality and functionality of the touch panel. In case of detection of any defects, resort to the above advice.
  • Make a test call and ask your interlocutor how they hear you. In general, drive the "risen from the water depths".

Tip # 6: Accessory "diving property"

What if you dropped your iPhone into the water,you now know. However, it is not superfluous to purchase a special cover, which prevents moisture from getting inside the device. The benefit of such accessories today for sale is a lot - for every taste and color. The reliability and quality of such products often depends on the price. Due to the fact that the iPhone is not a cheap pleasure, it is not worth saving on the safety of the operational moment.

What if your iPhone dropped into the water?

Final advice: for "reassured"

Do not be deceived if you have purchased allegedly"Waterproof" novelty iPhone 6. The only barrier to fluid in the sixth model was a rubberized flipper in the form of a structural add-on to the navigation buttons of the device. The system connector, speaker and polyphonic speaker are still open to the "water element". So do not be too naive and it's pointless to hope that you will never have a question: "What if the iPhone fell into the water?" Believe me, in spite of the real opposite, the bitten apple will still sink. Take care of your iPhone, it's worth it!

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