Promucet (balm Kirov): description of the preparation

Promucet (balm Kirov) quite oftenIt is used both as a medicine and as a preventive measure for acute infectious diseases. This drug is quite effective and as a medicine to strengthen the immune system.

Promucet (Kirov's balm): description and composition. This medicine is made on the basis of extracts and herbal decoctions. It is produced in glass containers and looks like a brownish syrup with a characteristic smell and pleasant taste.

As for the composition of this drug, itincludes more than a dozen, to be more precise 37 medicinal plants - buds of birch and poplar, fruits of mountain ash, sea buckthorn, dog rose and bilberry, grass of wormwood, St. John's wort, horsetail, yarrow, leaves of nettle, plantain and cowberry and others. It also uses mummies, propolis, purified water and sodium benzoate.

Promucet (balm Kirov) and its effect on the body. This tool increases the body's resistanceto the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration of tissues and increases vitality. On the other hand, this medicine is able to normalize the digestive tract. And it contains such substances useful to the body, such as silicon, anthocyanins, hypericin and flavonoids.

Promucet (balm Kirov): indications for use. Since this drug is considered a natural immunomodulator, it is prescribed when the immune system is weakened, as well as with chronic fatigue and during a period of severe nervous overexertion.

On the other hand, the medicine is quite effective andwith diseases of the digestive tract, including poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis and peptic ulcer. The drug is also useful in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Because balm strengthens the processesrestoration of tissues, it is used in the treatment of fractures, wounds, ulcers, pressure sores, etc. Quite often the drug is prescribed to patients with arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. It is effective in diseases of the oral cavity, including stomatitis and gingivitis.

Balm Kirova: instructions for use. In fact, this medicine can be usedin different ways, it all depends on the illness or disorders that need to be treated. In order to determine the dose and period of treatment, it is best to consult a doctor. As for the recommended dosages of the drug, they are as follows:

  • In the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, heart disease,chronic stress and infectious diseases it is recommended to drink one teaspoon of medication 2-3 times a day. Shake the liquid before use. Drink recommended with warm tea or water. The course of treatment is approximately one month.

  • If you have gingivitis, stomatitis or other diseasesmouth cavity, then the medicine is used to rinse and irrigate the mouth. In this case, it is necessary to dilute one part of the preparation with three parts of boiled water.

  • When treating a cold or sinus, it is recommended to dilute the product halfway with water and bury it in the nose 2 or 3 times a day. Treatment should last from one to two weeks.

  • If you use a remedy for the treatment of ulcers, traces of herpes or wounds, it is recommended to apply gauze pads to the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated twice a day.

  • In the treatment of joint diseases, it is recommended to rub balm in the places of pain localization, but only after a bath or a hot shower.

It should also be noted that this drug can not be prescribed to people with allergies to any of its components. Do not use balm for pregnant women and women during lactation.

Balm Kirov (Promuсet): reviews. Patients remain satisfied with the effect of this drug. Of course, with severe diseases, the drug is used only in combination with stronger medicines.

Despite the fact that you have read the information about Kirov's "Balm Promuet", reviews about it have only been read good, you should not use it yourself. Talk to the doctor.

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