Can I get pregnant after menstruation?

There are several most popular wayscontraception, which includes the calendar method. It is chosen, as a rule, by those women who are confident in their partner, do not want to expose the body to hormonal drugs and burden themselves with the constant necessity of using a condom. The meaning of this method is to calculate dangerous and safe days, depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, many women think about whether it is possible to become pregnant after menstruation?

This question, one way or another, rises practicallybefore every girl who has sex. The fact is that the calendar method assumes that the first days after menstruation are safe and the risk of fertilization of the egg is minimal. But is it really so? Learn about whether you can get pregnant after menstruation, will actually allow the menstrual cycle of a woman. If during the last years it has not changed and its duration ranges from 24 to 32 days, the probability of conception is very small. This is due to the periods of maturation of the egg. So with a stable cycle, it is ready for fertilization exactly in the middle of it. If this did not happen, then she leaves the female body. Theoretically, the ovule in the body of a woman should not yet be, since the old one has already left, and the new one has not yet ripened. But this is only in theory, but in practice everything is sometimes different. The female organism is so complicated that small influences on it from the outside, for example, stresses at work, a new diet or flight to another country, can significantly knock down the cycle, that is, the maturation of the egg will not occur in the middle, but at the end or the beginning. A woman can even not notice this and continue to live an ordinary life, but the calendar method of contraception will not suit her any more. In this case, the answer to the question: whether it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation, will be positive.

The change in the cycle and the day of ovulation can be affectedvarious diseases. These include not only diseases of the genitourinary system, but also ARVI, FLU, infectious diseases, due to which it was necessary to drink antibiotics. Inflammatory processes in the genitals also have a big impact on the life and growth of the egg. If she is ripe later than usual, then the body will leave, delaying for several days. This again confirms that women do not have safe periods. More precisely, they are, but not always she knows about them. In order for a woman not to guess, whether it is possible to become pregnant after a month, in case of transferring her any diseases for a while, it is necessary to change the method of contraception to a more reliable method.

Another factor that determines whetherTo get pregnant after menstruation is the quality of male sperm. Some men become owners of such a seminal fluid, the sperm in which they live and successfully function in the female body within a week after sexual intercourse. Of course, there are a few such cases, but 2-3 days to achieve the goal, nevertheless, there are caudate cells. Therefore, in the case when the egg is ripe after the due period, and the spermatozoon has a long life span, fertilization can occur immediately after the end of menstruation.

In fact, it's not so important on what day it happenedunprotected sexual intercourse, as many factors influence the conception, capable, in one way or another, of changing the situation. For those who are concerned that they can get pregnant before menstruation, the answer will be the same as in the previous case: Of course, you can! If a woman does not plan to have children in the near future, then it is better to change the method of contraception to a more reliable one, or, when it's too late to do something, use emergency contraception for 72 hours after the end of sexual intimacy.

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