Tips for parents of children entering school

All parents themselves were once disciples. Someone for a long time, and someone else just recently sat at the desk, with fear awaited final exams or the USE. Everyone in his time first came to the first class. It is an exciting time for both children and their parents. How to reduce school anxiety and the level of disadaptation? This will help some advice to parents of future first-graders.

tips for parents

Reforming the education system has made itsadjustments in the requirements for entering the school. If recently future first-graders were tested, revealing the level of development of their cognitive abilities at admission, then to date this procedure is not simply abolished but is under strict prohibition.

As it turned out over time, the ability to write,count, perform arithmetic operations within a hundred, fluent read does not guarantee successful schooling. Psychologist's advice to parents is that the child has a motivation to learn, so that he wants to get new knowledge so that he has cognitive interest and search activity. In order for these qualities to be fully formed, a network of pre-school institutions exists to help parents. It is the kindergartens, and not the different schools of development, that come to the fore. Many developing centers forget that the leading activity of preschoolers is a game, and they are seated at their desks for tasks in workbooks. Advice to parents on the upbringing of children is completely ignored by some, it seems to legal representatives that the child simply needs to learn how to write in capital letters, to solve examples that without it he will have difficulties with schooling.

advice to parents on raising children

Nevertheless, advice to parents to improprietysimple: let the children play. Often, coming to the first class, the child brings with him cars, dolls, plush toys and on the changes with enthusiasm plays with them. Some parents wonder why the child began to play more in school than at the time he attended kindergarten. The answer is obvious: he simply did not play enough, because at the preschool age he was "dragged" through various additional activities. Of course, we are not talking about not developing the child in any way. But everything has its time, and advice to parents of preschool children is that for the development of cognitive processes you need to use the game. Any - desktop, story-role, mobile.

For example, in order to form a childThe voluntary attention required for the successful development of the school curriculum can be given to the sports section. To develop fine motor skills, it makes sense to attend classes in drawing, modeling, modeling.

Tips for parents of children entering schoolinclude the recommendations of a speech therapist, because the formed phonemic hearing contributes to literate writing, story-telling stories develop a child's coherent speech and an understanding of cause-effect relationships.

Psychologist's advice to parents

If you listen to the opinion of specialists, knowage characteristics of the child, and not go on about their own unrealized opportunities and ambitions, then the emergence of difficulties in the beginning of the first-year schooling in the school is reduced to almost zero.

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