Abortion in the early stages: more effective, less dangerous

Abortion is not safe! This is not tired of repeating the doctors, to which women turn to interrupt pregnancy at any stage. And even if you do not waste time talking about the ethics of abortion or their total inadmissibility, the artificial termination of pregnancy, leading to miscarriage, is a serious and extremely dangerous blow to women's health. Specialists call abortion a kind of woman's payment for the fact that she is careless about contraception.

Even if an early abortion is carried out, ifthe operation is performed at the highest level and the patient after it feels satisfactory, there are no guarantees that in the future there will be no consequences for the body - from tumors and ending with incurable infertility.

Operation of abortion is carried outusually for up to 22 weeks. There are spontaneous abortions, called miscarriages, and artificial, conducted with the help of a surgical or other type of intervention. Abortion in the early period, which is considered more effective and safe, can be performed until 12 weeks of pregnancy, in later terms - after 12 weeks. In this case, its conduct is conditioned not only by the woman's desire, but also in accordance with certain medical (non-viability of the fetus, threat to the health and life of the mother), as well as by social indications (a woman is considered a single mother or mother with many children, became pregnant as a result of rape or has a status refugees). Abortion in the late term is much more dangerous, therefore such an operation is necessarily controlled by a group of doctors and is conducted with special care.

At terms of up to 12 weeks of pregnancy,its interruption can be drug-induced, for which drugs are used that affect the hormone progesterone, not allowing its effect on the uterus. The main such tool is "Mephipriston", which is prescribed for medical abortion in combination with prostaglandin drugs, which can strengthen the process of uterine contraction and accelerate the rejection of the fetal egg.

The best way to stop pregnancyoperates on terms of up to 8 weeks, and its advantage is that afterwards there is practically no need for unnecessary surgical intervention. Sometimes this method is called "abortion on the day of treatment." The process takes place in several stages - the first woman takes 3 medication tablets in the presence of the attending physician and goes home. The second stage begins in one or two days, when in the female body there is a rejection of the fetal egg, manifested in menstrual bleeding. Any abortion in the early stages, like any other intervention in the vital activity of the body, must be controlled by specialists, and after a certain time it is necessary to undergo a complete examination.

At the earliest possible time, an interrupt operationpregnancy is carried out in the form of mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration). This is as follows: at 5-6 weeks in the uterus cavity is introduced a special vacuum-aspirator, which is a large syringe with a special nozzle. The vacuum created by the device, and promotes detachment from the uterine wall of the fetal egg, that is, the termination of pregnancy. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and, in the case of incomplete destruction and separation of the fetal egg, requires additional manipulation, and conducted with conventional instrumental abortion.

Among other things, early abortionoften performed with the help of curettage of the uterine cavity, or instrumental termination of pregnancy. This method is most effective, and, at the same time, dangerous, therefore it is carried out only up to 12 weeks and with the use of anesthesia. In the course of the operation, the cervix is ​​opened by special dilators, after which a metal loop is inserted into its cavity - the curette is the main instrument for scraping the uterine cavity. It should be noted that this operation, which is a serious surgical procedure, can lead to a variety of consequences and complications.

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