The secret of the depth to plant garlic for the winter is revealed.

Many truck farmers plant garlic in their plots. If this procedure is done correctly, it is better not to fill this bed with nutrient mixture from autumn, then in spring and summer of next year this culture should not be fed at all. Care will be in infrequent irrigation, loosening and weeding.

when you need to plant garlic in autumn

Before starting work, you should determine whenyou need to plant garlic. In autumn it is usually done, and the best time for its sowing in the middle belt has always been considered from September 25 to October 10. Recently, due to the noticeable warming, it is possible to plant this culture in the middle of October. The main thing is that the denticles managed to give good roots, but green stems would not grow. Someone argues that there is nothing wrong with this, that garlic will well overwinter, even if it goes up in autumn. Maybe, but it's not worth the risk. Even if sprouted denticles are preserved until the spring, then the harvest from them will be later.

Another important issue relates to whichdepth to plant garlic under winter. If the denticle is not enough to cover, then because of autumn rains, it will rise higher and may appear above the soil. Then he certainly did not condescend - winter frosts will do their job, and such planting material will not survive until spring. Too deeply embedded in the ground it is also not needed. In the spring, because of the high level of groundwater, it can bend or not at all overcome the high soil layer and not germinate.

on what depth to plant garlic for the winter

Therefore, when talking about the depth to plantgarlic for the winter, you need to know clearly - it should correspond to 12-15 cm. After the denticle is planted, two more are to be placed mentally above it, so that the top of the tooth touches the soil level. If everything turned out that way, then the depth is calculated correctly.

The beds are prepared in advance (for 2 weeks),so that the soil had time to settle before the beginning of the landing. The bed should be 20-25 cm high. First, dig up the earth, then add well-ripened compost or humus. For 1 m², one bucket of this organics is added. With the help of a rake, it is embedded in the soil. Now you need to mark the bed. To make the rows even, you can pull the rope, tie it from two sides to pegs. Pits are well done by the back side of the shovel, its shaft. This will help to solve with greater accuracy the problem of how deep to plant garlic for the winter. On the handle of the shovel marks are made equal to 12 and 15 cm. On that row, where larger denticles will grow, a deeper fovea is formed, for a smaller landing material - less deep. To achieve the desired width, the spade with a bayonet simply widens the hole, slightly twisting it.

on what depth to plant garlic

But it is important not only to know the depth to plantgarlic, but also have an idea about the planting pattern. For large denticles, this is 15 x 15 cm, for small denticles - 10 x 10 cm. Preliminarily, they should be soaked in an antifungal preparation "Maxim" or in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. A small handful of sand is poured into each hole, one AVA fertilizer pellet is put there, followed by a denticle. Close this sandwich sandwich a small handful of sand and light soil.

After the novice gardener learned the depth to plant garlic for the winter, and put the theory into practice, he can hope for an excellent harvest.

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