Nonna: the meaning of the name, the interpretation, the origin and the characteristics of the character

What does this beautiful female name mean?Nonna? The meaning of the name, nature and destiny will be discussed in this article. From this name there are many derivatives, affectionately the girl can be called Nonnushka, Nonnechka, Nonnchik, Nonnusya, Nonka; majestically - Nonnet. So what is the meaning of the name?

Nona: interpretation, origin

The history of the name is rather vague. There are many different versions. One of them originates in Ancient Egypt, where so called women dedicated to God. In ancient Rome, this name was translated as "the ninth" and was written in Latin as a nonus, in ancient Greece - "perspicacious."

For many years, the name was given to girls from different countries, nationalities and religions. It does not have great popularity in the Slavic countries and is considered rare.

name of the name


  • The planet is the Sun.
  • Sign of the zodiac - Leo.
  • Day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Metal - tin, aluminum.
  • Happy numbers are 8, 9, 18, 26.
  • The tree is maple.
  • The plant is a gladiolus.
  • The stone-talisman is an esmerald, carnelian.
  • The bestial patron is a hawk.
  • The name is black, dark brown.
  • Favorable color is warm orange and brown.
  • Main character traits: will, intuition, loyalty.

Name days are celebrated on August 18. The mother of St. Gregory the Theologian, holy righteous Nonna, was famous for caring for the poor and decorating churches in the IV century. Correct celebration of name-day can not only raise the mood, but also clean the house of Nonna from evil forces and defilement. To do this, we need to hang bundles or bundles of bulbs around the rooms.

name of the character and destiny


What is the meaning of Nonna's name for a girl? How does it determine its nature? The possessor of this name with confidence can be called a strong personality with his own opinion. If desired, she can succeed in the area of ​​interest, but only if she really needs it. Public opinion and rules rarely govern her actions, and if she respects the law, she will never exchange her own desires and freedom of speech for public approval.

What else can you say about a girl named Nonna? The meaning of the name and character of its owner are of interest to many people around her. Nonna is a kind and clean person, who knows how to arrange herself. She is an excellent and devoted friend, fair and honest in any relationship. It should be noted that even though Nonna is all ready to tell her secret secrets, she will never condemn anyone and will not give out other people's secrets. Nonna's energy is endless. She surrounds everyone with her liveliness and vivacity that she has to her.

Nonna, whose meaning is considered inarticle, optimistic about life and likes noisy parties. Making her sit at home is almost impossible, she always needs movement and progress. That's why it's hard for her to be a housewife or at least keep the house clean. But this does not mean that she is ready to put up with dirt. Nona is a responsible person, so she can often clean up, but she likes things more than she does outside her home.

the name of the nonna origin and meaning

Power Engineering

Does not apply to closed people, and yet itsenergy has a certain secrecy. She is quite emotional and can react strongly to what is happening. These are eccentric personalities, strong and independent.

In fact, Nonna's energy and its futuredepend on what character traits prevail in it. This person has a number of positive and negative qualities, and the choice of those or other of them or their predominance have a key role. Selfish, powerful, strong, passionate, impulsive - these traits can play a cruel joke with her. Loneliness and poverty do not threaten her, but the absence of the desired happiness is almost guaranteed. At the same time, kindness, honesty, diligence and insight can help in achieving the goals.

the meaning of the name of the nonna and her fate

Love and relationships

How is the meaning of the name Nonna and her destiny connected? Relations for Nonna - the innermost. She is ready to be friends all her life, even with school friends. But resentment is difficult to endure and rarely forgives, especially betrayal. This person does not neglect connections and acquaintances, she always has people with whom you can talk and learn a lot of new things. Responsiveness and kindness do not allow her to refuse help, but she will not allow herself to sit on her neck either.

Men have success. As a rule, Nona is beautiful and intelligent, has an athletic or slender physique, and in combination, these qualities make her an unusually attractive person. And yet, despite the unconcealed sexuality and femininity, problems can arise with men. For many, it will be difficult even to speak to the touchy, others may not justify the inflated expectations. Finding a guy for her is not difficult, but building relationships can be difficult, because Nonne does not need one that sees only beauty, she wants to be evaluated as a person.

How else can you characterize your personal life?a woman who bears the name Nonna? The origin and meaning of the name suggests that family relationships can become a serious test for her. The reason is her exactingness and independence. For Nonna is suitable only a very responsible husband, ready to help with advice and deed in any area of ​​her life. But this is difficult to find a visionary and far-sighted person. She loves children, but she rarely spoils. Strictness and discipline for it are important.

the meaning of a nonna for a girl

The health and talents of the owner Nonna

The meaning of the name suggests that the health of thisthe representative of the fair sex depends on the relationship of parents to the child. As a child, she is not sick, sleeps well, does not cause big problems. But later there are diseases of the throat, lungs and intestines. They are recommended to be treated without antibiotics, conventional herbs. Hiking in hospitals can affect the weak nerves, which also need to be tempered from birth. It is best to train a girl from childhood, giving it to swimming and other sports. This will help improve the weak immune system. Sometimes eye diseases can occur, so that the TV seat should be strictly limited, as well as the time behind books and a computer. As a woman, Nonna must be able to give herself respites from difficult work or physical labor, so that the body rests and reboots.

The ability to see people through and through - its distinctivea feature and a real gift. All desires and inventions are visible to her at first sight, therefore in her friends she is exclusively people of pure thoughts and faithful to her soul. A real prince on a white horse is not for her, and not because she does not want it, but because of the same gift. To charm this woman is very difficult with sweet speeches and expensive gifts, but if this happens, she certainly will not let go of such a unique person.

the meaning of the name nonna interpretation of the origin


On which path in choosing a profession will be a girlby the name of Nonna? The meaning of the name says that the future profession and position in life largely depends on her upbringing. The problem with Nonna is that she can not do one single thing in her teens when she is a teenager, and if her parents do not teach her the rules of good taste, as well as the ability to complete her work, she will have to be quite difficult in adulthood.

The pleasant news is multifacetedgirls and her hard work. She is fond of new spheres without problems, she likes sports, animals, music and science, which can be a great start for her future career. There is no more reliable person in the work. Never let you down and everything will be done on time. Given the diversity of interests, often changing professions, and even a profitable and prestigious position can leave, easily re-qualifying. Characteristics of the character allow you to reach heights in any field, but the normalized working day and strict schedule do not fit freedom-loving disposition. Therefore, the ideal choice will be a creative profession, without schedules and rigid terms.

The ideal profession is selected depending onthe time at which she was born. For example, for a winter girl, obstacles are not terrible, she will become an excellent athlete or programmer. Autumn will become a good economist, doctor or accountant. If the girl is predisposed to solitude, the profession of a librarian will suit her. Spring and summer Nona without problems will become qualified doctors or actresses, fashion designers, artists.

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