Serafim Sarovsky: biography of the Russian miracle worker

Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography is knownto all Orthodox Christians, was born in 1754 in the family of the famous merchant Isidor and his wife Agathia. Three years later his father, who was engaged in building a church in honor of St. Sergius, died. Proceedings of her husband continued Agathia. Four years later the temple was ready, and the young Seraphim went with his mother to inspect the building. Climbing to the very top of the bell tower, the boy stumbled and fell. To the joy of the mother, he received no injuries, in which she saw a special care of God for her son.

The First Vision

At the age of 10 Serafim Sarovsky, biographywho is an example for imitation, fell seriously ill and was at death. In a dream, Heavenly Queen appeared to him and promised to give healing. At that time, through their city, a miraculous image of the Mother of God was carried by the cross. When the procession was level with the house of Agathia, it began to rain, and the icon was carried through its courtyard. She took out a sick son, and Seraphim kissed the icon. From this day the boy went on the mend.

seraphim Sarov biography

The beginning of the ministry

At 17, Serafim Sarovsky, whose biographyilluminated in religious books, decided to leave home and devote himself to the life of a monk. Two years he spent on a pilgrimage in the Kiev-Pechora Lavra. Then the local recluse Dositheus, having discerned in the young man the ascetic of Christ, sent him to the Sarov desert. In his free time from obedience, the young man went regularly to the forest. Such strictness of life attracted the attention of the brethren, who admired the strength of his exploits, most of which the reader will be told by the life of Seraphim of Sarov. For example, as the Reverend for 3 years only ate grass. Or, as for 1000 days, he stood on a rock in the forest, going down only to eat.

St. Seraphim of Sarov


After a three-year standing on the stone Seraphimreturned to the monastery for a new feat - 17 years of seclusion. The first 5 years he saw no one from the brotherhood, even a monk, who brought the elderly scanty food. After the expiry of this period, Sarovsky sometimes opened the door of the cell and accepted those who wished, but did not answer the questions, since he made a vow of silence. In the cell there was only an icon of the Mother of God with an analog and a stump serving as a stool. In the passage was an oak coffin, next to which Seraphim often prayed, preparing to retire into eternal life. In another 5 years, the cell doors opened from the beginning of the morning liturgy and did not close until 8 pm. At the end of 1825, in a dream, the Mother of God appeared to the old man and allowed her to leave the cell. Thus ended his seclusion.

the life of the seraphim of Sarov

The End of the Earth Path

Almost two years before his death, the ReverendSeraphim of Sarov saw again the Mother of God, who, as it were, foreshadowed his blissful death and his imperishable glory awaiting him. On January 1, 1833, the saint went to church and put candles in all the images. After the Liturgy, he said goodbye to those who prayed, who noticed that the saint was almost exhausted. But the spirit of the old man was joyful, alert and calm. In the evening of this day, Seraphim sang Easter songs. The next day the brethren entered his cell and found the monk kneeling before the analo. At the same time his head lay on his crossed arms. They began to wake him up and found that the old man was dead. Seventy years later, Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography was outlined in this article, was listed by the Holy Synod as a saint.

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