With hope we look to the sky: a prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces

The world around us is a very complex interlacingdifferent energies, emotions, thoughts, desires and other information that we sometimes can not even grasp, not exactly what to understand. But its all-round influence we are still experiencing ourselves. And very often it is negative.

Manifestations of hostile forces

Prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces
Oblique or envious, just an unkind look,evil whispers or the appropriate desire, not to mention the classic evil eye, slanders, spoiling and other wrecking - with all of this we encounter very often. A crowd of people on the street, the parking lot of a car, a queue in a shop, colleagues at work - any sufficiently animated place can threaten peace of mind, health, your energy integrity. The most effective way to protect oneself from troubles is a hot appeal to the Servants of God, angels and archangels.

The army of God

prayer to Michael the Archangel from enemies
Yes, prayer will first of all help youArchangel Michael. From evil forces there is no more powerful defender. Because when many angels went against God, Michael led the light army. He cast off the instigator of the riots on the ground, and he himself stands guard over the heavenly tranquility. During the decisive battle, the hosts of angels led by Michael will rise up at the word of God and defeat the demons. And now prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces protects and saves us, ordinary mortals. After all, he is the chief angel, a beautiful youth in scarlet robes of a warrior with a shield and sword, who defeated the dragon himself to Satan himself. He is able to cope with every manifestation of darkness, with all the entities that dwell there. Prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces will not allow himself to succumb to temptations, strengthen in firmness on the path of virtue. This applies to ordinary mortals and clergymen, who, due to their duties, often face a different kind of mysterious and terrible. The shield of the archangel is not easy, it has an eye on it. The all-seeing eye can see Evil, no matter what dresses it rises, no matter how carefully it is hidden. And the "sighted" shield itself is a symbol of absolute Good, good in its pure form. It also becomes a stronghold, a support for all for whom the prayer to Archangel Michael from the evil forces and all evil spirits is actual. Archangel Michael is the protector and patron of the city of Kiev.
prayer to Archangel Michael about protection

Human needs

November 21, the whole Christian world marks Mikhailovday, the day of all angels, the whole of God's Host. The tradition took its start from the beginning of the 4th century, when the first prayer was folded to Michael the Archangel. From enemies and other misfortunes, accidental death, war, all kinds of sorrows and other evil, she protects and protects the person. It is the sacred text that makes it possible to enter into direct contact with the archangel, to ask for his support.

patron and protector of St. Michael
But first you need to read the akathist before the icon. And then already apply for requests, problems, needs. What else is useful for people to know for believers: a prayer to Archangel Michael about protection, among other things, can improve one's health with blood diseases. After all, he is responsible for the state of this vital liquid for us. Normalize the pressure, clear the bloodstream and much more - all this in the office of the angel warrior. Prayers-requests for health are usually pronounced on Sunday evening.

May the infinite mercy and protection of the archangel be with us all!

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