Lightly salted cucumber in a package - the best snack for a fun company

salted salted cucumber
Lightly salted cucumbers: classic Russian recipe

In Russia, to lightly salted cucumber special relationship. We like to use them as a separate snack or to use as an ingredient salads (olivier, vinaigrette, etc.) and other cold and hot dishes (saltwort, okroshki, etc.). In the Russian cuisine there is a special recipe for their preparation. Probably, only at us salting of light-salted cucumbers demands such trembling relation. Mistresses are prepared for him with special care. Choose fruit of the same size, thoroughly washed and soaked for several hours in cold water. Then they cut the stems. The dishes for pickling can be either glass or enameled. However, the classic recipe for cooking light-salted cucumbers involves the use of a wooden barrel, the bottom of which must be covered with currant, cherry and horseradish leaves with a root. By the way, horseradish is used not only as a seasoning, but also in order not to appear mold. Then, cucumbers, dried dill, bell pepper and bay leaves are placed in the barrel. If desired, you can add a

lightly salted cucumber in a package
cloves of garlic. Then prepare a brine at the rate of 1 liter of water per kilogram of cucumber and 2 tablespoons of salt. The brine will need to be boiled and poured into them cucumbers. After the cucumbers become salted, they need to be cleaned in the refrigerator.

A new recipe for pickling: "Lightly salted cucumber in a package"

Despite the fact that the classic recipe isproven and certainly the best way to pickle cucumbers, recently modern housewives came up with a more convenient and easy recipe for which you need to have an ordinary plastic bag, cucumbers of small size, green

recipe for cooking light-salted cucumber
dill, horseradish, garlic and salt.

A new recipe is called "Lightly salted cucumber inpackage ". This method of pickling does not require much time and effort. Even the most inexperienced mistress will cope with him. Cucumbers in this way can be cooked and on a picnic, in the garden, right next to the garden bed, and even in the car, on the way from the cottage home. Cucumbers must be washed and dried before packing. They must be fresh, without damage. Each fruit should be cut in half. However, if they are very small, then just cut the tails. In one package you can lay 0.5-1 kg of cucumbers, not more. Then put two cloves of garlic (large-sliced), dill and a tablespoon of salt. You can put and horseradish to lightly salted cucumber in the package turned crunchy. After all the ingredients have been laid in a polyethylene bag, the open end will have to be tightly knotted, for reliability put in another bag and shake properly to make the salt evenly distributed. After this procedure, put the cucumbers in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

Of course, after this a lightly salted cucumber in the package,or rather from the package, you can immediately be served on the table as a snack or used in a salad, for example in vinaigrette. Nevertheless, we recommend removing the package in the refrigerator and shaking it from time to time. In this case, the cucumbers on the table will be cold and crispy, which will give their taste a special charm.

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