Igor Gordin: biography, personal life, best films

For his creative work this Sovietthe actor starred in a small number of paintings, but he played a lot in the theater. What is Igor Gordin famous for? Biography, the personal life of the artist will be the topic of our study.

игорь гордин personal life

Double holiday

Igor was born on May 6, 1965. His birth is connected with another holiday, which has a larger scale, two days later the 20th anniversary of the end of the Patriotic War was celebrated, therefore for the parents of the future screen star this event was marked by a double joy. By the way, they, parents, had nothing to do with acting. Also did not represent, that one day their son will declare desire to be removed in cinema.

I want to be removed!

The passion for acting was manifested in school years. Igor Gordin, whose biography includes many interesting facts, experienced a craving for reincarnation, but, being a modest teenager, he was afraid to admit it. His youthful years fell on the rise of the country, which required specialists of various directions. But he did not want to become an engineer or a scientist. With each new school performance in which he participated, Igor Gordin thought only that one day he would come out on a real theatrical stage.

Igor Gordin

The Conqueror of the Director's Hearts

In the eighth grade he secretly from his parents signed upto the courses of the theater of youthful creativity, concerning the new educational institution, which operated in the city for 15 years. Here he got knowledge about the future profession and visually saw how the backstairs are arranged. However, the debut on the stage takes place in the theater of the young spectator, where in 1989 the director Henrietta Yanovskaya staged the play "Goodbye, America". At the same time Igor Gordin is confirmed for several key roles. The biography of a novice actor includes the fact of their future with the Yanovsky cooperation. An experienced director, young Gordin impressed with his charisma and rapid reincarnation in the required images. Four years later, she gives him a secondary role in Chekhov's play Ivanov and Others.

The Way of the Brave

But no matter how much Gordin wanted to realize his dreambecome an actor, parents demanded a decent education. In order not to spoil relations, Igor Gordin (photo attached) goes to the Polytechnic Institute. The specialty of a nuclear physicist does not seem to him interesting, but he stoically stands all the years of training. During this period he plays little in the theater. And when the study is over, Igor recruits courage and decides to finally decide on his profession. Leaving his beloved Petersburg, he moves to Moscow.

GITIS opens the door for him, and IrinaSudakova takes Gordina on her course. Acquaintance with it will positively affect the future career. From the Soviet actress, he will have a lot of experience. Since 1982, she is a professor at the Department of Directing, and among her graduates are Dmitry Pevtsov, Nikolay Dobrynin, Boris Morozov. Igor Gordin graduated from GITIS and entered the troupe of Moscow's Sovremennik.

igory gordin photo

Actor career

With the acquisition of vocational educationnew proposals are coming. Igor Gordin appears more often on theatrical posters. Biography, the personal life of the actor will be a separate topic of further discussion, but for now it is necessary to tell about his transition to the theater of the young spectator. Igor Gennadievich remains loyal to this day.

During the next four years he activelyplays in various performances. Especially popular is the "Execution of the Decembrists", "Foam Days", "Romantics" and "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky, where he gets the role of Tikhon. Until the end of the century, the theatrical season includes the play "The Witness of the Accusation", adapted from the same name by Agatha Christie, and Chekhov's "Lady with the Dog". In the last production Gordin plays Dmitry Gurov.

Diversion on TV

The creative path of Gordin differs from many yearsplaying in the theater. But there are proposals to do a movie, and Igor accepts them. The debut on the big screen took place in the criminal picture of 2002 "The Trio". Then followed the series "Heavenly Life", "Children of the Arbat" and "The Fall of the Empire."

Popularity and frequent flashing on televisionbring a new round of glory. And this is happily enjoyed by Igor Gordin. Biography, the personal life of the actor become the object of increased attention to the admirers of his talent. Every year new films with his participation are released, however, for the most part Igor gets minor roles. He tries himself in different genres, plays in military, detective and dramatic series. In 2004, Gordin received the title of Honored Artist.

igor gordin biography

The best film works

And although, as mentioned earlier, the actor played a lottheater, his television appearance always had a vivid character of reincarnation. Among the most famous paintings by Igor Gennadievich are the following:

  • "Big evil and petty dirty tricks" (2005).
  • "Saboteur 2" (2007). Played with his father-in-law, Vladimir Menshov.
  • "The Afghan Ghost" (2008).
  • "The crime will be solved" (a series that was filmed throughout 2008 and 2010. One of the key roles was performed by the wife of Yulia Menshova).
  • "Moscow Twilight" (2012).
  • "Dubrovsky" (2014).
  • In 2015, played a major role in the series "Adult Daughters", which was broadcasted by the First Channel.

Igor Gordin: biography, personal life

Where does the actor appear more often - in the cinema or in the theater? He himself is not ready to give an exact answer, since he tries to diversify his creative potential to the maximum. A number of metropolitan theaters, including the studio of Fomenko and the Theater of Nations, invite him to the performances. At the same time, he remains faithful to the theater of the young spectator, since it was from his career that Igor Gordin began his career.

The personal life of the actor is also connected with it. It was here that he met with Julia Menshova, who came to his play with friends. She went to Gordin's dressing room to get to know each other personally. His daughter Vladimir Menshov's daughter and Vera Alentova argued that she liked Igor's game.

igor gordin biography personal life

Acquaintance quickly developed into a violent romance. In 1997, the pair had a first-born son Andrei. Igor and Julia were married, and then divorced. But after some time they realized that the feelings had not yet died out, and again they were married. In 2003, Taisia's daughter was born.

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