Douglas Booth: Filmography, biography and personal life

One of the most promising young actors in Britain is Douglas Booth. The filmography of the young man has more than a dozen roles in films and serials.

early years

Douglas Booth was born on July 9, 1992 in London,the capital of Great Britain. His father, Simon Booth, works in a far from art sphere: he advises banks and maritime transport companies. Vivien de Cala, Douglas's mother, chose the creative path and became an artist. In her footsteps, the eldest daughter of Abigail also went.

The first years the future actor Douglas Booth spent inLondon. But at the age of ten, he was forced to get used to a new place of residence in Sevenoaks and a new school. After that, we had to change the place of training several more times. The reason for all was dyslexia, which Booth suffered from childhood. He was able to learn to write and read, but the disease caused a lag from other children. Douglas could not complete the task as quickly as required.

Douglas Booth filmography

However, the young man loved to read thatled him to the theater. Douglas Booth, whose personal life is carefully hidden by the actor himself, rarely tells about his childhood. However, one day he confessed that he had learned to play on the trumpet and had attended a theatrical circle.

An artistic and diligent boy waitingdid not last long. Already at the age of thirteen, Douglas Booth knew the main roles. Then he played in the production of a local small theater and fell in love with the scene. He decided to connect his life with acting.

Carier start

Douglas Booth decided to apply to the actingagency at the age of fifteen. But he had to wait two years before getting his first significant role and appear on the screen. He was invited to play in the film "From time to time." This television picture was a screen version of the book by Lucy M. Boston, one of the most famous children's writers. In her novel is told about a boy whose childhood fell on the Second World War. From the military forties he falls into the last century to learn the secrets of his family.

Douglas Booth's personal life

Critics and directors were noticed by Douglas Booth. The filmography of the young actor began to replenish. He played in the biographical drama "Worrying for Boy". Douglas reincarnated as a famous musician Boy George and showed the pop artist at various times of his life. The emotionally complex picture opened up the possibilities of the young actor and glorified him. Douglas began to appear the first fans.


Despite the fact that the role in the film about thethe pop singer was caressed by critics, not she was that loud breakthrough in Douglas Booth's career. All of Britain and TV viewers from many other countries started talking about this talented actor after the television series "Great Expectations" appeared on the screens. In this picture, Douglas got the main role.

Colorful and beautiful picture of the villageguy Pip, in love with Estella, has won many hearts. During the filming of this film, Douglas not only gained invaluable experience, but also found true friends with whom he did not stop talking after the shooting was over.

Douglas Booth starring

The next film that made many girls andgirls to decorate their rooms with posters with Douglas, became a youth tragicomedy "Summer. Classmates. Love". In this film, the Englishman played with Miley Cyrus, a scandalous singer and actress. He performed a handsome high school student Douglas Booth. His filmography was supplemented by another major role. His colleague, Miley, played Lola. She dreams with friends to go to Paris and have a good time. But only Lola's mother is against, after all the girl badly passed examinations and has made many problems at school. Friends will have to come to the rescue.

After a while, Douglas got the lead role in the movie "Romeo and Juliet". This film fixed the British actor title of one of the most popular and favorite actors among young people.

Future projects

Douglas Booth does not stop there. The filmography of the actor is replenished with new and new paintings. Ahead of him is the premiere of the film "Pride, Prejudice and Zombies", a long-awaited movie-lovers. In a new and unexpected reading of the classic novel, Booth played Mr. Bingley.

Another project in which Douglas shouldto perform one of the main roles, was the biographical drama "The Storm in the Stars." This story will tell about the writer Mary Shelley and her husband, who inspired the woman to create her legendary novel "Frankenstein".

Personal life

Trying to avoid questions about everything exceptwork, Douglas Booth. The personal life of the young actor is carefully hidden. Not knowing the truth, fans and journalists have written a lot of rumors about the novels of Douglas and his partners in the film. Booth himself admitted that he has a lover. True, she did not name her name, wishing to hide the life of the girl from the close attention of the press.

Douglas can be called a supporter of a healthylifestyle. He often spoke out against smoking and drugs. Instead of these dubious hobbies, he prefers swimming, long walks or skiing.

actor Douglas Booth
In addition, Douglas expressed support for the feminist movement. The young actor is sure that there is no place for gender inequality in the modern world.

Douglas Booth is a popular modern actor, who became famous after filming in films for young people. Despite his early glory, he does not stop in his work and continues to appear in films.

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