Mads Mikkelsen: Filmography and biography

Scandinavian actors have long been famous for theirtalent, seasoned with a manly appearance. One of the most prominent representatives of the peninsula at the moment is the Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen. His filmography includes a variety of roles. And because it is so difficult to imagine that Mads did not immediately decided to link his life with the movie.


Mads Dittman Mikkelsen was born in Copenhagen. He is the second child in the family. His older brother Lars then also became an actor.

The father of actors worked as a banker, and his mother wasthe nurse. Because Mads at first did not think about entering the theater. However, already in his childhood, he tried himself as an actor. The father often bought his sons recordings with radio shows, which the boys listened so often that they memorized by heart. They presented themselves as the main heroes of the stories and told them, parodying the voices of the announcers.

Few people know that actor Mads Mikkelsen is verywell dancing. This talent even found its application in some films. For eight years, the actor was engaged in dancing before he decided to enter the theater school.


Since at the beginning of life the cinema did not causegreat interest in Mads Mikkelson, the filmography of the actor began to replenish only closer to the end of the 90's. By the age of thirty, he had graduated from the tetral school and began to conquer Denmark.

As Mikkelsen himself admitted, in his ownthe country comes out with very few films, so it's enough to play in two, not only to become famous, but also to annoy viewers. Not surprisingly, the gifted actor quickly became popular in Denmark. He starred in a number of films, among which the viewers were especially popular with the pictures "Lost" and "Flickering lights", as well as the series "The First Group".

Mads Mikkelsen
But the glory of Mikkelsen was not limited tonative country. He was invited to the first in his filmography international project "I'm Dean", in which he played with Gerard Depardieu. Soon after, he received the role of Tristan in the film "King Arthur".

Did not leave Mads and work in Denmark. He received a major role in the film "After the Wedding," which was nominated for an Oscar as the best foreign film. It was not the last Danish project in which Mads Mikkelsen starred. His filmography was also supplemented with the picture "Hunting". For the role of educator Lucas, who was accused of pedophilia because of childish lies, the actor received an award at the Cannes Film Festival.

One of the most successful projects Mads has becomethe series "Hannibal", in which he played the main role. The shooting partner was Hugh Dancy, with whom Mads had already worked before on the shooting of the film about King Arthur.

It was filmed three seasons before the series was closedmuch to the chagrin of the fans. Thanks to the shooting in "Hannibal", Mads Mikkelsen deserved great popularity and sincere love among the young spectators. The filmography of the actor began to be reviewed by them and gave a little-known projects to that time a second life.

Upcoming Projects

For several years, most of theThe actor's time was dedicated to Hannibal. After the closure of the series did not come to the end of the career of Mads Mikkelson. His filmography began to be replenished with new high-profile projects, which arouse the interest of fans even at the stage of the announcement of the plot.

actor Mads Mikkelsen

One of the projects that are eagerly awaitedthe audience, became the first spin-off of the cult films of George Lucas "Star Wars: The Outcast." It is not yet known which role the Dane will get. However, it has already been announced that the film will be dedicated to the resistance fighters who will try to steal the Death Star drawings.

Another project was the film "Doctor Strange." In the film adaptation of the famous comics Mikkelsen will play the main antagonist. The main role went to British actor Benedikt Kemperbatch.

Personal life

Mads Mikkelsen is successful not only in his career, but alsoin personal life. While still a little-known Danish actor, he married Hannah Jacobsen. She, like her husband, also acted in films. But she did not become so famous. However, in Denmark, many know her as an actress in television series.

Mads Mikkelsen personal life
In 1992, the couple had their first child, a daughterViola. After another five years, the son of Charles. Recently, not so much time can spend with the family Mads Mikkelsen. The personal life of the actor is under the close attention of the paparazzi. Perhaps the only quiet place is the native Copenhagen.

Mads Mikkelsen is becoming more popular. The filmography of the actor is replenished with new high-profile projects, which are predicted success in the film distribution. However, he also manages to devote time to the family and act in his native Denmark.

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