Omsk Drama Theater: about the theater, repertoire, artists, reviews, address

The theaters of Omsk are interesting. They work for spectators of different ages. Each - in its genre. The largest and oldest in the city, and in the whole of Siberia, is the Drama Theater. The basis of his repertoire is a classic.

About the theater

Omsk Drama Theater

Omsk is one of the cities where culture is developed at a high level. Therefore, there are many theaters in different directions. There are here the oldest in Siberia collectives and those that are formed recently.

Theaters of Omsk:

  • Musical.
  • "The Fifth Theater".
  • Youth Theater.
  • Drama theatre.
  • The actor's house and others.

Omsk Drama Theater has its rootsin the XIX century. The first wooden building to display the performances was built in 1875. A year later, its own professional troupe also appeared. In 1882, the old burnt room for the collective was replaced by a new one - a stone one.

The heyday of the theater happened in the middle of the XX century. It was then that he became one of the largest and most interesting in the country. This was due to the fact that a legendary man was appointed to the post of director Migdat Khanjarov. He did a lot to develop the company and expand the repertoire. He supervised the Omsk drama for more than 20 years.

In 1983 theater assigned rank "academic".

Today the main the director is an George Tskhvirava. Fast director occupies Peace Byvalin.

Omsk drama six times was becoming laureate itself prestigious The National awards «Gold mask". Troupe often leaves on tour by Of Russia and for frontier, and actively Takes participation in every possible festivals and competitions.


theaters of Omsk

City theatrical poster (Omsk) is rich on every possible Events. They all different genres and are intended for the public from small to large. Here and concerts, and performances, and circus representation.

Dramteatr etccompiles viewers staging and classical, and modern. Among them - several solo performances. Found here a place and for fairy tales.

Repertoire theater for 2017 year:

  • "The Time of Women."
  • "It's quite simple for every sage."
  • "Hanuma".
  • "Song in the Painter's Workshop."
  • "Shreds on the backstreets."
  • "August. Osage County."
  • "Cyrano de Bergerac".
  • The Russian Avant-garde.
  • "Players."
  • "On suitcases."
  • "Son of man."
  • "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk" and others.


Omsk Drama Theater

Omsk Drama Theater is a small but creative and interesting collective. Here artists of different generations serve.


  • Catherine Potapova.
  • Sergey Kanaev.
  • Tatyana Filonenko.
  • Sergey Olenberg.
  • Alexander Goncharuk.
  • Olga Soldatova.
  • Kristina Lapshina.
  • Ruslan Shaporin.
  • Olga Belikova.
  • Ivan the Little.
  • Eleonora Kremel and others.

Laboratory of Contemporary Drama

Omsk dramatic theater is an organizer project entitled "Laboratory modern dramaturgy". AT him framework of pass meeting creative of people, which are involved in creation of performances. Actors, directors and writers are discussing here his joint the work above new staging. The basis repertoire is classic. But the present the viewer interesting Not only timeless values, but also Problems of modern the world.

The theater must preserve and honor traditions, but at the same time move forward. The public and its preferences play an important role. After all, there are performances for spectators. And they decide the fate of each production - it will become popular or unclaimed.

But to put plays only on the basis of the tastes of the bulk of visitors is also impossible. It is important to find the golden mean. And it is her search, with the help of trial and error, engaged in "Laboratories of Modern Drama".

Purchase of tickets

theatrical poster Omsk

Omsk dramatic Theatr etccompiles several ways of purchases tickets. Can acquire them in the box office. Sale is being conducted daily from 12:00 the day and until 19:00 evenings. Cashbox there is at himself the theater and in shopping centers: "Continent","Europe"," Omsk "," October "and"Cascade".

And also it is possible buy Tickets across the Internet not leaving of at home. With help scheme halls, which is given in this section articles, select suitable places. Then pay order translation of money means with his banking cards.

Cost tickets on performances theater drama - 130 to 800 rubles.


The audience is very fond of Omsk Drama Theater. His poster, in their opinion, consists of good works. Although some productions cause dramatically different emotions.

One of the most popular performances among the publicis "August. Osage County." About him, the reviews are exceptionally positive. The audience writes that this story makes us think about what we are all essentially selfish, we only worry about ourselves and we just do not know how to listen to others. Actors in this production are amazing, their work is admirable.

To the favorite public performances are also: "The Elder Son", "Lady Macbeth", "The Night of Love Madness", "The Devil's Dozen", "Players", "Triumph of Love", "Exhibits", "Green Zone" and "Zoological Garden".

The performances that provoked conflicting feelings in the audience: "The armless from Spokane" and "Lysistrata."

In the first of them, as visitors of the theater write,dull humor. In addition, artists use obscene language. It looks like a way to attract an audience, which is only understandable. Empathize staging not makes, food for reflection no.

In the "Lysistratus" overdid it in all. Too made by accents on corporal. And in many respects a friend there - "too". Viewers write, what were at shocked and such a no way from this theater not expected.

Certainly, it is better see performances its eyes and make up personal opinion, because it can be excellent from other.


Omsk Academic Theater Drama Coordinates

In the heart of the city is the Omsk Academic drama theatre. Its coordinates: Lenin street, house number 8A. There are many buses. The stop to which you want to go is called the Drama Theater.

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