How to combine two tables in the "Word" horizontally or vertically

Office application Microsoft Word offersuser a wide range of functions. Among them are actions with tables. Despite the fact that the interface of the program is quite simple, there are often problems with the movement of tables and their cells.

how to combine two tables in a Word

Many Microsoft Word users are familiar withThe situation when the tug of the table on one line broke the whole structure of the text. Even more questions arise when you need to make one from several tables. Below is a detailed instruction how to combine two tables in the "Word" into several actions.

Vertical consolidation

The first instruction will be on how to combine the twotables in the "Word" on the lines. Simply put, bind the table from the bottom. Before proceeding, make sure that both tables have the same number of columns. If this is not the case, then the union will still happen, but then it will be long and tedious to bring the table into a divine form.

how to combine two tables in a Word

  1. Select the entire bottom table (not just its contents) using the icon in the left corner.
  2. Cut out the table using the Ctrl + X keys or by right-clicking and using the "Cut" command.
  3. Set the mouse cursor on the line under the first column of the top table.
  4. Insert the second table using Ctrl + V or the "Paste" command.
  5. Tables are combined, and the columns and rows are aligned.

how to combine two tables in a Word

By indenting

There is another way of how you can combine the two tables in the "Word". The second instruction deals with horizontal join by indentation.

  1. Find the "Show all signs" button in the "Paragraph" panel or use the Ctrl + * combination.
  2. All spaces and indents in the document will be marked with tabs.
  3. Now we need to remove indentation between the tables. To do this, press the BackSpace or Delete key until there are no blank lines between the tables.
  4. The tables are combined vertically.

combine the two tables in Word 2010

The indented method is only suitable for vertical joins of tables.

Horizontal integration

If you need to add a table not from the bottom, but from the side, then the actions will be slightly different. Although the principle of unification will not change.

The third instruction explains how to combine twotables in the "Word" on the columns. Remember: if the number of rows is different, then the data in the cells may shift. Therefore, it is better to make the number of rows in both tables equal in advance.

  • Select the table that you want to bind to the right.

how to combine two tables in a Word

  • Cut out the linked table.
  • Set the mouse cursor to the right of the remaining table at the level of the first line. It is important to put the cursor at the end of the right border of the table, without spaces. Otherwise, the tables will not merge.
  • Insert the cut out fragment.

how can you combine two tables in a Word?

  • The tables will be merged horizontally.

Note: you can not add a table to the left, just to the right. So do not confuse which table you need to place on the right.

How to remove unnecessary cells?

It may be necessary to remove the extra after you have joined the two tables. In "Vorda 2010" the algorithm of actions will be:

  1. Select the area you want to delete: a column, row, or cell.
  2. In the "Working with tables" tab, select "Layout".
  3. Click the "Delete" button and select the desired command.
  4. Superfluous or repeated cells are deleted.

Thus, you get a new, well-formed table, in which all the necessary data fit.

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