Get rid of swelling, Or how to clean bags under the eyes

A woman at a certain moment noticed thather bags appeared under the eyes, perceives it as a cosmetic defect. However, the problem lies deeper, and sometimes it is not possible to get rid of it only by means of skin care products. Where does this flaw come from? What contributes to its appearance? How to clean bags under the eyes? For all these questions, you will find the answers in this article.

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

how to clean bags under the eyes

There are several main reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon. All of them, as a rule, are connected with the presence of any disease. The reasons are as follows:

• Accumulation of excess fluid under the skin under the eyes. As a rule, this manifestation is caused by pathologies of the kidneys, various inflammations (conjunctivitis, etc.), allergic reactions (insect bites, Quincke's edema, etc.).

• Loss of skin elasticity. Occurs when there is a metabolic disorder and aging of the body.

• Sprouting around the orbit of adipose tissue. Often carries a hereditary character.

Before thinking about how to clean bags undereyes, you need to improve your health. Help in this can only a doctor specializing in the treatment of these diseases. After solving health problems, it is possible that the defect will disappear by itself.

The reason for the appearance of bags in healthy people

Why this flaw occurs in patientspeople, we know. This is described above. And what is the reason for the formation of bags under the eyes of perfectly healthy people? Here you can identify several factors that lead to their appearance:

• Excessive consumption of salty foods anda fluid that simply can not quickly remove the kidney from the body. Before going to bed a lot of drinking? The result - in the morning bags under the eyes, which will fall only in the evening.

• Drinking beverages.

• Prolonged exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays (long exposure to the sun, frequent visits to the solarium).

• Overexertion of the eye muscles during a long stay in front of the computer and reading books.

• Hereditary predisposition. In the absence of any disease, this defect manifests itself, which is increasing with age. The usual remedies against bags under the eyes here will not help. In this case, the use of a radical method - plastic surgery is recommended.

• Age changes. The skin over time loses its elasticity, it sharply reduces the content of collagen and water. She starts to sag. Wrinkles and bags under the eyes appear.

Folk remedies remedies

ointment from bags under the eyes

With the reasons for the appearance of the defect, we sorted it out. Now find out how to clean bags under the eyes with the help of folk remedies. In this we will help the following recipes:

1. Put the used tea bags in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, and then attach to the eyes. You can lie with them for 20-25 minutes.

2. Another good tool - grated raw potatoes. Wrap it in gauze and attach to the eyes for half an hour.

3. If the house has fresh parsley, be sure to make a mask: cut the greens finely, add fatty sour cream, put some mass on the eyelids, and cover it with a cotton swab.

All these funds very well relieve swelling under the eyes. Also, try not to eat anything salty during the day, so that excess fluid exits the body.

Ointments from bags under the eyes

against bags under the eyes

Quickly get rid of the problem of edema will help us ointment from bags under the eyes. In this group of cosmetic products we can distinguish the following:

• Gel with bilberry extract and plantain seed from Green Mama.

• "Dioptigel" from the French manufacturer Lierac.

• Troxevasin Gel. Uses this tool, usually to reduce swelling of the legs. But it is also suitable for removing bags under the eyes. It dilutes blood well and drains excess water.

• Ointment "Afulim" from the company Grasses of Eden-Herbs of Kedem.

• Clearwin cream from the Russian manufacturer Phytosila-Bios / Corvette-Pharma.

We looked at ways to clean bagsunder the eyes. This can be done with the help of cosmetic products offered by various companies for the production of skin care products, and through traditional medicine. If you have this problem, do not delay with its solution. After all, over time, the skin stretches and loses its elasticity. Remove bags under the eyes will become more difficult. Determine the cause of their formation and use the proposed means to eliminate the defect.

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