Quilted jacket - a universal thing

At present, a quilted jacket is fashionable anda universal thing in the wardrobe. Such models retain their relevance for several years in a row. Quilted jacket is an excellent alternative to coats, especially for fashionists and women of fashion who choose a free classic or sports style in clothes.

quilted jacket

The superiority of such a thing was first of all appreciated by the youth. Because of its versatility, this outer garment is suitable for any event.

Quilted jacket is made ofwaterproof fabric. Thanks to the "stitch" technique, it creates a feeling of the second skin during socks. Inside, between layers of jacket, not very thick insulation is placed. Thanks to this, there are relief patterned stitches in the form of squares, various figured bands. By the way, the most popular stitch is a rhombus.

Colors, materials and models

quilted short jacket

This thing is made of nylon, satin, etc. Especially expensive and glamorous looks quilted jacket made of genuine leather.

Such things are produced in a variety of colors, from traditional to ultramodern shimmering shades.

Now on sale it is possible to see quilted jackets of different styles. There are shortened straight lines, slightly fitted. The most relevant at the moment is a quilted jacket just above the waist.

Given the characteristics of the figure, everyone will find a suitable model for themselves.

With what to wear such a thing to women?

The quilted jacket is often made inmore elegant style than men's. Her form is feminine and refined. A narrow long or shortened slightly free sleeve advantageously highlights the graceful hands. A collar can be different: a simple rounded shape or a counter.

The fastener on the jacket is made more often in the form of a zipper. On such things also there are pockets, they can be both secret, and waybills. Designers offer us models with a belt located at the waist or lower, the second option, of course, will favorably emphasize the beautiful thighs.

with which it is better to wear quilted women's jackets

Quilted jacket looks harmoniously with any thing. But you need to consider the length of the model, the texture of the fabric and, of course, the color.

Short jackets are advantageously combined:

  • narrow trousers-puffs, jeans, a skirt-case with an overstated waist "corset";
  • lush mini skirts and maxi lengths, made of not very dense fabrics.

To truncated jackets fit:

  • Classic trousers, pants and jeans with a low waist;
  • fitted skirt pencils of medium length, as well as skirts in the floor.

Also, the fair sex should not forget about dresses, almost all quilted jackets this thing is suitable.

And which accessories to choose? This jacket is suitable for massive scarves or scarves, hats, leather gloves, as well as shoes with high or low heels.

With what to wear such a thing to men?

quilted jacket for men

A little careless quilted jacket for men differs from women's light brutality. However it does not prevent to combine it with any clothes.

So, with what to wear this thing to courageous guys:

  • quilted short jacket in the style of "bomber" and a jacket-pilot approaches to trousers of a free cut, jeans and sports trousers in a combination to golfs and sweaters;
  • A jacket with a hint of free classics rushes with any models of trousers and jeans in combination with all kinds of shirts, waistcoats, swingers; business suits fit perfectly here.

Practically any footwear aesthetically harmonizes with a quilted jacket: shoes, sneakers, sneakers, high boots, boots.

All this mix should be diluted with knitted or woolen volume scarves, leather or suede gloves, quirky caps.

An elegant quilted mens jacket will perfectly emphasize all the dignity of the sports figure.

Jacket for women

In the cold season, a hat is needed, but such a thing is not to everyone's liking. Because of this, many manufacturers produce jackets with a neat hood that will always warm and protect in bad weather.

A small conclusion

Now you know what a quiltedjacket. Such a thing can be not only in the women's, but also in the men's wardrobe. In the article we gave advice on how to combine a quilted jacket with other things. We hope that they will help you learn how to beautifully combine clothes.

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