Actress Lyudmila Nilskaya: biography, film career and family

Lyudmila Nilskaya - an actress who performed over 50roles in serials and full-length tapes. Are you interested in her biography? Do you want to know how the personal life of a famous artist has developed? Now we will tell about everything.

Lyudmila Nil biography

Lyudmila Nilskaya: biography, childhood and adolescence

She was born on May 13, 1957 in Strunino, whichVladimir region. The father and mother of Lyuda are ordinary people, far from the theater and cinematography. When she was 16 years old, the family moved to the city of Alexandrov (the same area).

After graduating from high school, the girl went toMoscow. She managed to enter the School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater the first time. But a year later Ludu was expelled due to poor progress. Our heroine did not despair. Later, she became a student of the VTU. Shchukin.

In 1980, a talented actress was received inAcademic Theater. Mayakovsky. Work in this institution Nilskaya devoted 14 years. She managed to join the team and earn the respect of Khudruk. Since 2008, our heroine is an actress of the Theater actor. She has a busy schedule.

Ludmila Nile filmography

The first steps in the movie

In 1978 Lyudmila Nilskaya received the mainthe role of the student in the film "Grasshopper". It was her first movie job. Young actress 100% coped with the tasks set by the director. After this proposal for cooperation flowed to her river.

Before the collapse of the USSR (December 1991), Luda managed to appear in 20 feature films. But due to the difficult financial and political conditions in the country, her career has declined.

Lyudmila Nilskaya: personal life

In her youth, our heroine had many admirers. However, it can not be called a windy person. Like many of us, she had her first love. In high school, Lusia met with a guy. But further than timid hugs and kisses did not enter.

Later, the girl started an affair with the teacher of the Shchukin school - Albert Burov. Thanks to his efforts, Lyuda was not expelled from the university after the release of provocative films with her participation.

On the set of the picture "No one will replace you"Nilskaya got acquainted with Boris Shcherbakov. They had a love relationship. However, the actor was married, brought up a little daughter. He could not and did not want to leave the family. At some point Lyudmila was tired of sharing Boris with his wife. Our heroine told him about parting.

Emigration to the USA

A new driver of Lyudmila Nilskaya became an ordinary driver Georgy Isayev. Their relationship has developed rapidly. In 1983, the couple played a wedding.

In 1994, George, Luda and little Dimaemigrated to the United States. In a foreign country, the actress turned out to be of no use to anyone and not in demand professionally. Who did not have to work for Lyudmila to earn a living - and a cleaner, a salesman, and a driver in the social service. And what about her husband? The money earned from the sale of the Moscow "kopeck piece", George invested in the opening of a garage. However, his business quickly burned out. The family was left with nothing.

In 2001, the husband confessed to Lyudmila thatfell in love with another woman. On the same day, Gosha gathered up his things and left, slamming the door. Our heroine was left alone in a foreign country, with a 10-year-old son in her arms. In the following months, it was awaited by severe tests.

Lyudmila Nilskaya


In the summer of 2003, Lyudmila Nilskayaa fateful decision. Together with her son, she returned to Moscow. If earlier she had her own apartment, now she had to rent a house. In the autumn of the same year, colleagues in the acting department helped her to return to the profession. Lyudmila again felt like a demanded actress. She was accepted into the troupe of the Moon Theater. Director S. Prokhanov saw in Nilskaya great talent and creative perspectives. The actress was involved in various performances - "Flying Two Crocodiles", "Madness of Love" and others.

Continuation of film career

When Lyudmila appeared again on the screensThe Nile? Biography indicates that this happened in 2004. At first, she got small roles in the series (The charm of evil "," Hunting for wapiti "and so on). But the actress who returned from the United States was happy with any work.

Ludmila Nile personal life

In 2008, Lyudmila Nilska was offered the mainrole in the series "Galina". She could not miss such a chance. Our heroine has successfully got used to the image of the daughter of the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev - Galina. The external resemblance of Lyudmila and the character played has amazed many spectators and critics. A year later, the actress won the Golden Eagle Award for this role.

In the period from 2009 to 2015, Lyudmila Nilskaya starred in more than 14 scenes. Let's list her most vivid and successful works:

  • "Two sides of the same Anna" (2009) - Olga Shelyagina;
  • "Citizen Chief" (2010) - convicted Pchelkina;
  • "Furtseva" (2011) - a French artist;
  • "Accidental Witness" (2011) - Mother Praskovya;
  • "Beauty" (2012) - Nina Savina;
  • "The Wharf of Love and Hope" (2013) - a famous actress;
  • "Glory" (2015) - the mother of hockey player Fetisov.


Now you know where Lyudmila Nilskaya was born, studied and with whom relations were built. Her filmography is also given in the article. We wish this artist the creative successes and prosperity in the family!

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