Zopnik tuberous: medicinal properties, application in folk medicine

Zopnik tuberinous - medicinal herbaceousplant. It occurs on the territory of Russia, Bulgaria and the Caucasus. In folk medicine is used to treat many diseases. In this article, we will consider the useful properties of clove-bearing zopnik and medicinal recipes based on this plant.


The stem of the plant is purple-purple. The flowers are small, pale pink. Fruit is a nut. The plant blooms in the period from June to July.

There is a tuber-bearing Zopnik on meadows and in forest zones.

In all parts of the strawberry-bearing Zopnik,essential oils, flavonoids (luteolin, genkvanin, apigenin), tannins, alkaloids, saponins, iridoids, coumarins, mineral salts, and a number of acids (chlorogenic, coffee, cinchona, ferulic). In addition, the plant is saturated with useful vitamins (B, C, E, K).

Zopnik the tuberous

Zopnik tuberenosny: medicinal properties and application in medicine

When treating what diseases do you use this plant?

  • The grass is a tubercle zopniki used to treat the papilloma of the bladder.
  • Decoction and tincture of this plant is used for gastritis, ulcers.
  • Drugs on the basis of Zubnica tuberous increase immunity, promote a speedy recovery in various diseases.
  • Powder from the root of the plant is used to treat open wounds and damage to the skin.
  • The freshly squeezed juice of the tuber-bearing Zopnikum saturates the body with useful elements, is used for beriberi and anemia.
  • Medicines, which make up this medicinal plant, are prescribed for bronchitis, tracheitis, colds.
  • Tinctures of Zopnik tuberiferous havesoothing and analgesic action. They are used for coughing, diseases of the female sexual sphere. Such tinctures are recommended to give to children who often suffer from headaches.

Zopnik tuberous: medicinal properties

Medicinal recipes

Tincture of the strawberries' Zopnik.

Infusion of grass zopnik recommended for 4Art. l. per day for respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. Such a drug helps to strengthen immunity, soothes and tones.

Decoction of the Stonecroat Stonecrop.

To prepare a decoction of a mixture of leaves,stems and flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons), cook over a small fire for half an hour and leave under the closed lid for 10 minutes. Such a tool is prescribed for gastritis patients who have increased gastric acidity.

Broth from the flowers of the plant will be useful to people who have problems with blood coagulability.

Fresh juice Zopnik - an effective tool in the fight against anemia. Also, it is recommended to use it for beriberi and during the recovery from illness.

Grasshopper grasshopper


Medicinal products, includingcontains zopnik tuberinous, are contraindicated to people suffering from hypertension, atonic constipation. This plant is not recommended for those who have high blood coagulability. Contraindication to use is also the individual intolerance of the tuber-bearing Zopnik.

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