Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise

Analysis and diagnosis of financial and economicThe activities of the enterprise are mainly built on the basis of the information support system, which is a set of functionalities. It provides a purposeful process of selecting information indicators in the study of the management of the enterprise and considering its positions on all aspects using different methods, models, financial instruments.

Aggregate analysis of the functioning of the enterpriseis carried out in several stages: the analysis of environmental factors of direct and indirect influence, the consideration of production factors, the study of the internal financial environment.

Analysis and diagnosis of financial and economicThe activities of the enterprise are first of all considered by the factors of the external environment and the main production indicators. First of all - the general economic characteristics. In this paragraph, an assessment of the activities of the enterprise is given. Also, the general characteristics of the business entity are examined according to the following parameters: what is the organizational and legal form, what is the basis for the functioning of the firm, what it does, how many years there are on the market.

In addition, we should analyze the market over the past 5 years, where the company operates, and external factors, based on STEP-analysis.

Analysis and diagnosis of financial and economicThe activity of the enterprise implies a description of the resource potential of the organization. It includes the structure of property and sources of its formation, an assessment of fixed assets. Also, it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the use of the immobilized part of assets (the basic means that are being considered in the work) and analyze the structure of key asset groups.

analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

It is necessary to give a description of the labor resources of the organization.

The next major block in the analysis of managemententerprise - the determination of its financial condition. It is necessary to consider how financially stable, liquid, solvent this enterprise is. One of the important characteristics is whether the organization's activities are stable from the long-term vision.

organization's activities

At the end of the analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise. Here, the organization's performance results are reviewed (profit, loss), profitability assessment, calculation of indicators business activity.

business valuation

Analysis and diagnosis of financial and economicthe activities of the enterprise are completed by summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in all key indicators that were obtained during the evaluation. It is necessary to highlight the following points: how optimal is the share of the company's own capital, the value of its net assets, whether the financial indicators correspond to the normative values ​​and whether the firm has enough funds to pay off current liabilities.

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