Arthur Schopenhauer. Quotes about the path and life of man

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), a native of Danzig(then Prussia, now Gdansk in Poland), the world-famous philosopher and doctor of science (1813), carried through his entire life the internal conflict between prudence and philosophy. For many years he tried to win the recognition of the public, but all efforts were in vain - the first 2 volumes of essays almost completely went to the paper.

quotes about the path

Once he realizes that in order to understand himphilosophy is not yet the time. Then A. Schopenhauer will choose for himself the path of a bachelor and practically a recluse in Frankfurt am Main (the German Union, now Germany). Favorable times for Schopenhauer philosophy came to the post-revolutionary 50-ies of the 18th century. He had followers and disciples, and according to his philosophical system lectures were started at the university. And today quotes about the life path, set out in his "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom," allow everyone to find something new and useful for themselves.

The fate of man

Referring to ancient wisdom, A. Schopenhauer cites quotes about the way, the essence of which is that our life's path can be likened to the ways of the ship. Fate, like the wind, can move a person forward if she is supportive of him, or cast back if unfriendly. Man's efforts can play the role of oars, which do not need in a strong wind.

Thanks to great efforts, a person canTo move forward with the help of oars, but he is not immune from the fact that the new unfavorable gust of wind will not push him even further. A. Schopenhauer, noting the power of a happy destiny, recalls the Spanish proverb that one can safely throw his son into the sea, if previously begged for him happiness.


The life of a person depends on the case thatpresents him with destiny. He can both bestow, and destroy, he is able to be both merciful and angry. Conducting a reflection of his life's path, a man marks a lot of happy moments that were missed, and a lot of misfortunes that they were called upon. Human life depends on two factors: random events and our actions. Like the movement of a ship to a given target, at a great distance a person can not exactly stick to the course on it, and with the help of solutions only approach it. According to A. Schopenhauer, two forces - external events and our decisions are not always coordinated and have one direction, but their unification is our way of life.

quotes about the road, the way

As a quote about the way A. Schopenhauer quotes Terence, who compares human life with dice. If there is no desired bone, use the one that falls out. Comparing life with playing chess, the philosopher says that the implementation of the game plan, which creates a person, depends on the moves of the enemy, whose role in life is fate. And often the plan is radically changed.

Evaluation of the passed way

How does the traveler create a complete picturehike only at the end of the route, so man, to the end of his life, having reached the top, can objectively evaluate his actions and what he will leave to his descendants, "the Schopenhauer quotes say. About the way the author notes that while a person is moving, he acts under the influence of the moment. Only the result can show whether our actions were right. Therefore, the creator, making great discoveries or creating immortal masterpieces, does not realize their importance, but simply does what meets his current goals.

Evaluating the life path of a person, A. Schopenhauer gives a comparison with the embroidered cloth. The front side of a person sees in youth, and the underside - in old age. The turnout is not so good, but on it it is possible to investigate the interlacing of all threads-roads. The beginning of life is text, and its end is comments that give an opportunity to understand the general meaning and details.

Individuality of a person

How the instructions for a happy life soundSchopenhauer quotes about the path of man. The life path depends on what kind of person the world is to himself. For some, it is rich and full of meaning, for others it is poor, empty and vulgar. Everything that a person perceives and what happens to it, occurs directly in his head. Human life is conditioned by its inner world, - say the Schopenhauer quotes. About the road, the path that a person chooses, the philosopher notes that he also depends on individual inner perception.

quotes about the life path

Human nature can correct the influence of external conditions and prevent misfortunes with its courage, intelligence and happy breed. The path to a happy life is optimism, health of the body and spirit.

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