How to calm down quickly: practical advice

Periodic outbursts of emotions happen in lifeeach person. Unfortunately, few people manage to avoid conflicts at work or at home, and simply situations that are out of balance. Unfortunately, such concepts as "anxiety", "anxiety" and "stress" have long become an integral part of our lives. At the same time, we can experience a variety of emotions - anger, irritation, fear, a strong excitement bordering on panic. At such times, we are only able to think about how quickly to calm down. And often, with all the desire to cope with their own emotions can not.

Meanwhile, there are a number of techniques, how quicklycalm down, which psychologists advise to master to everyone. Ability to control emotions is simply necessary in the modern world. Of course, we are not talking about chronic stress or depression, but in the event of a sudden surge of emotions, these measures are very effective.

The most common advice that is givenexperts - is to shift attention from a traumatic situation to one's own breathing. For example, take a deep breath and count to ten. It is desirable to master the method of "soothing breathing". In this case, you do not need to learn a special technique. Just control the breathing process, you can mentally say: "I breathe in, the air passes through the nose, gets into the trachea, into the bronchi, into the lungs." And in the reverse order: "I exhale carbon dioxide through the bronchi, trachea, nose."

How quickly to calm down in a critical situation? Often, with an emotional outburst of a person, there is a strong excitement, with a tremor in his hands, a pulse and breathing becoming frequent. There is an "express method" that allows you to cope with stress. Try to push hard on the point of the so-called "first aid", it is above the upper lip, under the nose. It is enough to press it for 3 seconds. Helps and massage circular movements of the antistress point located in the center of the chin: 9 times clockwise and the same amount - against. You can also knead every finger on your hands for 2-3 minutes.

There is an effective way how quicklycalm down, for those who often experience bouts of irritation. In such cases, "grounding" helps. As soon as you feel irritated, grasp the metal handrail, behind the radiator, if you are indoors, put your hands under a stream of water. You can touch the tree trunk, get on the lawn (though, better barefoot). "Grounding" in this way takes 30 seconds. At the same time, take a sharp breath and a slow slow exhalation. Mentally imagine how irritation goes to the ground and dissolves.

If circumstances permit, trythe moment of nervous tension sit on a chair, relax and imagine the flow of water that is pouring on you. Take a deep breath and exhale and imagine in detail how the water, starting from the top, washes away all tension from you. Let the flow drop to the very feet. Exercise will take no more than 2 minutes, but the voltage will noticeably decrease.

Tips for pregnant women

Pregnant women, as is known, especiallyare subject to mood swings. You can often hear from a future mother: "I can not calm down." Situations that the woman did not pay attention to before, during pregnancy can cause literally a storm of emotions. At the same time, many blame themselves for their lack of restraint, they worry about a child who may be afraid of mom's emotions.

Many people know firsthand what to controlitself at this time is difficult. Yes, and psychologists do not advise future mothers too zealous in the fight against their own emotions. To anything, except for the additional stress, it will not. Increased emotionality during pregnancy is normal. However, it is still necessary to learn techniques that help to calm down quickly.

How to calm down during pregnancy? First of all, prospective mothers should also learn the techniques outlined above. They will help quickly relieve emotional tension. In addition, experts advise to talk more often with the baby, explain to him the reasons for the poor mood of the mother, this will help calm both. The main thing is to understand that it is impossible to completely protect the child from negative emotions, and the sense of guilt that you are experiencing actually causes him not less anxiety than bursts of emotion.

Well, in order to be less irritated bytrifles, walk more in the fresh air, master the technique of relaxation, give a few minutes a day to meditation and auto-training, or do yoga for pregnant women.

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