The person of the criminal

The identity of the perpetrator is quite specificthe term used in criminology, which allows us to describe the character traits, personal and social characteristics of a person inclined to commit various legal and administrative violations.

The structure of the perpetrator's personality consists of a number of characteristics that affect the commission of unlawful actions. The substructures include:

1. Biophysiological signs that make up the personality of a criminal are the characteristics of his physiological constitution, nervous system, current state of health, etc. This factor is investigated in connection with the fact that personal characteristics are often determined genetically. Hereditary attributes also influence the specificity of the individual's education, its interaction with the environment and a number of other indicators.

2. Socio-demographic features. They include indicators such as age, sex, social and marital status, educational level, occupation, national characteristics and other characteristics. The data that criminology possesses indicate that, for example, the majority of criminals, whose shoulders are causing serious bodily injuries - are men, while women more often resort to committing offenses on a mercenary basis. The level of education affects the type of crime committed: economic and financial violations are most often committed by people with higher education, while thefts, hooliganism, vandalism, robberies and the like are individuals whose level of education is much lower.

3. Moral and psychological characteristics that determine the identity of the criminal in criminology, includes the features of the worldview of the individual, values, beliefs and life orientation.

A worldview position as definespurposefulness and persistence of the individual in achieving the intended, and in general affects the set of habits and the system of views of man. It is believed that an individual becomes an individual only when a system of values ​​and his own attitude to public order is formed, as well as the ability to take responsibility for his decisions and actions on himself.

In the context of this paragraph,such characteristics as the prevailing (or, conversely, unformed) attitude toward various values, both moral and social, adopted in a given society. It is, first of all, the attitude to the family, work, development, social communication, etc. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate and classify the significance of social claims and needs (socially useful / harmful, justified / unjustifiable), followed by a study of the nature and method of meeting goals (legal, legal, illegal, socially (without) dangerous).

4. Finally, the final characteristics that reveal the concept of a criminal's personality are his intellectual, emotional and volitional properties.

The first include life experience, narrowness and breadth of knowledge, interests, aspirations, the amount of knowledge, the level of intellectual development and the like.

Under the emotional characteristics of personalityis understood the balance, mobility and strength of the course of nervous processes and emotional excitability, the principles associated with responding to changes external or internal.

Finally, strong-willed properties - this is the ability to takeand implement decisions aimed at achieving the goal, regulation of activities within the framework of the decision, persistence and a clear direction of action, accompanied by a certain flexibility.

The person of the criminal, considered in the context ofdescribed items, is characterized by selfish motivations, disparaging attitude to life, health of another person, material benefits, antisocial attitude to accepted norms and rules of behavior, irresponsible attitude to duties.

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