Relations between husband and wife: important nuances

It's quite easy to create a new family - it's necessaryApply and just sign at the registry office. For this, it is not even necessary to go for a wedding. But what is to be done next, how to establish relations between husband and wife after marriage, not everyone knows.

relationship between husband and wife

Preliminary discussion

What you need to ensure that there are no surprisesafter the wedding? It's simple, you can try to discuss all the nuances of the family future life, and you can even try to live together, seeing if it's easy for a couple to live. So it becomes clear whether the relationship between husband and wife can be normal after the marriage ceremony.


Everyone knows the old saying that the husband ishead, and the wife - neck. Do not resist it, because it's even more popular wisdom than just a saying. From this it follows that the management of family life should only be a woman. But this does not mean that only a woman does household chores: she cooks, cleans, and erases. Roles in the house should be distributed equally (if, of course, the wife is not a housewife). A man does not at all make it difficult to wash dishes daily and help them clean during the weekend. But this husband needs to be taught, after all, in the parents' family he could not do this.

the relationship between husband and wife


No normal relationship between husband and wifewill not develop without conflicts, there will always be something that will cause a dispute or resentment of one half of the pair. How to behave in such situations? There are a lot of options, but there are a couple of very practical tips. Even in conflict situations, you need to think with your head, completely switching off emotions, this will save a couple from many protracted quarrels. Also, it is not necessary to beat the loved ones in the most vulnerable places in the frenzy, it's easy to do it, but then you'll have to shovel it all up. Well, one more tip: in a quarrel you should not touch the relatives of your second half, no matter how harmful they may be. Anyway, for a partner, they were, as they were, and will remain a family, you should not "beat" at the most expensive.


What other advice can psychology give? Between the husband and wife everything will be fine when the couple have a common passion, and they can spend free time together, relax. It is also good for this to have a common circle of friends. After all, the couple should support each other not only in sorrow, but also in joy. But it's also important not to overdo it, because each partner from a couple needs a separate rest, say "rest from each other". Therefore, it is not only possible to escape from one's own half, but also it is necessary. But it is always better to inform a loved one when you want to rest alone, so that you do not disturb it in vain.

psychology between husband and wife

No normal relationship between husband and wifewill not be built without trust. Always and in everything. If someone has a secret, this, you can say, the beginning of the end. But here it is also worth splitting the zones. There are special things about which you simply do not need to know the partner, there should not let your loved one go. In the rest - only trust and no secrets.

Problem solving

And one more important advice. In order for the relationship between husband and wife to be normal, all conflicts that arise must be addressed. You can not avoid or postpone them. If you do not like something or do not like it, you should immediately put it on the table. And if you save the grievances and griefs, and then drop everything on your lover in a hurry, it will not be better for anyone. All in time and in order, then the family will reign peace, peace and mutual understanding.

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