Consider the attractions of Yelets

At the site of today's Yelets defensivethe fortress existed at the end of the eleventh century, although in the annals for the first time the city is mentioned only in the XII century, when Svyatoslav Olegovich fled to him.

attractions of Yelets
Then the city together with Rus experienced raidsTatar-Mongols and Polovtsians. He was repeatedly burned and ruined. Having ceased in the XVIII-XIX centuries. play the role of a border fortress, the city became a handicraft and trade center, began to supply flour to Azov, and beer and cauldron boilers were transported to all cities, due to which the whole country learned about the Elets. The city map was compiled for the first time in 1908, after which it was repeatedly corrected following its development.

Speaking about the attractions of Yelets, you canto allocate a huge number of residential estates of the first half of the 19th century, as well as memorial museums - Tikhon Khrennikov, Ivan Bunin, and also Nikolai Zhukov. Particularly interesting is the history of the museum of local lore. Originally it was a museum of visual aids for the school, created thanks to Mikhail Prishvin in 1918. After some time, it was ransacked by mammoths, only after that he became a local history scholar. There are many unique exhibits, for example, paintings by Vereshchagin and Aivazovsky, personal belongings of Bunin.

Considering other attractionsYelets, one can single out an Orthodox cathedral. Above it, only the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior and St. Isaac's Cathedral, located in St. Petersburg. Ascension Cathedral was built by Constantine Ton, who also was engaged in the erection of the Armory Chamber and various structures in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Paintings of the walls of the temple were made by Claudius Lebedev and Alexei Korzukhin.

dace city map

Many historical sightsRussia is rich. The town of Yelets was no exception. For example, the Voevoda House was built in Old Russian style with relief platbands and rustic pilasters. And, of course, having visited here, it is impossible not to go to Red Square. Historians argue about the origin of this name. In the old days, a red spot (or square, corner) was called something very honorable and beautiful. Although there is an opinion that it was so named because of the amount of blood spilled on it - the city too often had to fight.

Until now, variousthe attractions of Yelets, among which many examples of architecture of the VIII-XIX centuries. - merchant houses, temples, buildings of commercial and public institutions. And beauty, variety and number of temples can not admire here, almost each of them deserves special attention. From the point of view of architecture and history, the most interesting are the 4 attractions of Yelets:

  • the temple of the icon of the Mother of God, which, according to legend, stopped Tamerlane's troops from the campaign against Moscow;
    russia city елец
  • The Vvedenskaya church is the oldest stone building in the city, which was built in the eighteenth century;
  • Grand ducal church, created in honor of visiting the city of Mikhail Alexandrovich - Grand Duke, brother of Nicholas II;
  • Ascension Cathedral, erected on the project of Konstantin Ton.

The rest of the city's attractions are connected with the creativity and life of IA. Bunin, who lived here for several years, TN. Khrennikov (composer), N.N. Zhukov (artist).

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