Histology in gynecology

At present, great importance among allother diagnostic methods are assigned to the histological examination, which is used to study the functions and structure of tissues and cells, both in normal and in pathology. Histology in gynecology is a microscopic examination of tissues that have been taken for an appropriate analysis from reproductive female organs.

In this case, only one goal is pursued, andnamely, the recognition of the nature of the currently existing pathological process. Histology in gynecology allows to determine with the greatest accuracy the presence of inflammation or dystrophy, the nature and type of tumor and so on.

Histology in gynecology is aimed at clarifyingclinical diagnosis or confirmation, the choice of appropriate treatment tactics, as well as methods for its conduct and evaluation of effectiveness. It should be noted that histology in gynecology provides a unique opportunity to identify this or that pathology in the early stages of its development.

This type of diagnostic study requiresfrom employees of the laboratory of increased vigilance and attentiveness. It is impossible to admit that the taken material due to the illiterate technique of conducting a histology led to false results.

This procedure is carried out in strictsequence. At the first stage the sample of the obtained tissue is placed in a special fixing liquid, which allows to compact its structure. Then fill with paraffin. As soon as it hardens, the finest plates of the test material are neatly cut off and placed on a slide. The next step is the removal of paraffin and the staining of the material with a special substance. Only then do a microscopic examination. The final result is given after a week.

In some cases, there is a need to implementexpress analysis of the tissue in question. Then the process technology is somewhat modified, that is, the resulting sample is frozen, and then cut into thin strips for further study under a microscope.

Unfortunately, this method does not allowto determine the nature of tumor cells with maximum accuracy. However, thanks to him, the presence of a tumor becomes obvious. For more accurate diagnosis, the remains of the tissue sample are analyzed more carefully.

Histological examination quite oftenappoint to women for the purpose of examining the cervix. This type of diagnosis has a number of advantages. Thus, the histology of the cervix allows a more thorough examination of the tissue of the affected organ, which in turn makes it possible to timely diagnose it.

Continuing the topic of our conversation, we note thatthe fact that in gynecology histological examination is a fairly common procedure. As a rule, it is carried out after curettage of the uterus, especially when in the process of "cleaning" polyps or some other neoplasms have been removed from the uterine cavity. This, in turn, makes it possible to ascertain the nature of their occurrence, as well as the possible reasons for further effective treatment.

In addition, indications for histologyis a frozen pregnancy. In this case, this diagnostic study allows us to establish the exact cause, which resulted in the normal development of the fetus and its death was caused.

From all that has been said, there is only one conclusion, and quite just: histological studies in gynecology are an integral part of the entire diagnostic process.

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