Diary of nutrition balances your diet

The problem of excess weight for modern manis very relevant. In addition to sports, an active lifestyle and a balanced diet to help in this matter will come and such a useful thing as a diary of nutrition.

food diary

Do you want to eat correctly?

Ancient people took food only whenwere hungry. Then the conditions for obtaining food were very strict, and to allow themselves a sudden snack, when the body is not hungry, many simply could not. A diet of modern man is organized according to another scheme. Scientists have proved that half of those products that we use are completely unnecessary to the body. Often people eat for the company, because it's time for lunch or they liked some product in the supermarket, and they decided to eat it.

If you want to adjust your food regime,by all means start a food diary. In it you will record not only everything that you ate during the day, week, month, but also the motives that prompted you to sit at the table.

Later, by analyzing your diet diary, youyou will see what products were completely useless, where there is a gap (for example, few fruits and vegetables) and at what times you gave vent to your appetite. Thus, you can correct your diet: remove unnecessary and add useful.

Reach the goal

On the title page you must write the mainthe goal you want to achieve, for example, remove from the diet all fatty and spicy or sweet and savory. Perhaps you want to reduce the number of calories or lose weight by 5 kilograms during the month. Remember: if the goal is clearly marked, it will be easy to move to it step by step.

diary supply sample

The four main positions

It is necessary to keep a diary of food. A sample of it can be four mandatory columns that need to be filled:

  1. The time when you eat. Write down clearly what time you started breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not forget about snacks. Even if you just ate one cookie, write down the time. This will visually see how many times a day you eat.
  2. Amount of food. Many people think that they eat a little, but when they begin to write down the approximate weight of the dishes, they themselves are surprised. When you ask a person what he ate for breakfast, that he answers monosyllables: oatmeal or a sandwich. And when you look in the record, it turns out that a piece of cheese, roasted toast and a few sweets to tea joined the oatmeal. Such regular notes will allow you to see what was superfluous on your table.
  3. The reasons for which you sat at the table. Often this happens because a person obeys the natural rhythm and mode of operation. He got up at 7.00, breakfast at 7.30. Lunch at 13.00, because the break at work. Dinner, respectively, at 18.00-19.00. But there is also a coffee break, when a bun is added to the drink, and a tea party for the company with a neighbor, when candies or cookies are suddenly added. Or something delicious in the evening in front of the TV. If you write down everything, you will immediately see which meals can be safely excluded.
  4. The energy value of each dish. There are a lot of tables of caloric content of products, so it will be easy to do this. A nutrition diary with calorie counting will help those who want to lose weight.
    nutrition diary with calorie counting

Analysis and control will help to balance the diet

The more you will keep your entries, themore efficiently will be able to organize a meal. For example, you can add such graphs as a feeling of hunger on a 5-point scale before eating. It is also desirable to note how much time you feel hungry again. It would be superfluous to note your emotional state, and at the beginning of each day, before breakfast, weighed and recorded these testimonies.

Literally in 1-2 weeks, having analyzed theiryou can clearly distinguish those dishes, after which the maximum satiety comes, and those without which you can completely manage. You will see what useful components are missing on your desk. This will help make your diet more sensible and useful.

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