Creativity and biography of singer Linda. Interesting facts from life

Original, unordinary and vivid compositions of Lindamade her a cult performer of the middle and late nineties. In it, everything was unusual - a musical style, a stage image, a manner of behavior on the stage. Linda - the singer whose biography and work she gave birth to many legends and gossips - became a messenger of that time, and fans of her talent followed her creativity with interest even today.

Outrageous star of the 90's

The album "The Crow", which made Linda famous,was released in December 1996. Nobody has done anything like this before Linda. The album became not only super popular. He forced to talk about the singer, even those who were very far from her work. In the fashion began to enter the elements that were present in the scenic image of Linda - black hair, the same color make-up and clothing. Adolescent girls of the nineties adopted heavy boots and long coats, copied Linda's image and listened to her songs. The music of the shocking actress has really gained immense popularity. Linda's songs were on television, on the radio and on the dance floors of a huge country.

biography of singer linda

Biography of singer Linda. Childhood

The future singer was born in a smallthe multinational town of Kentau in Kazakhstan. Date of birth - April 29, 1977. The real name of Linda (the singer who conquered the Russian stage) is Svetlana Gaiman. In a family setting, the girl was often called Lina. It was this childlike affectionate name that became the prototype of her current creative pseudonym. Linda (singer, biography, photo of which - the objects of our interest) and she does not remember very well the small town of her childhood. The most vivid memories were the holidays in which her fellow countrymen, belonging to different cultures and religions, beautiful national costumes and the nature of those places took part.

The girl was a diligent student, although not always distinguished by good behavior. When the future singer was nine years old, the family moved to Togliatti.

At a young age, Linda did not even think of associating her future with the stage and music. The girl was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, dreamed about performances in the circus, painted and attended an art school.

The fascination with music came to Linda unexpectedly. It is often said that there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. After the injury she could not cope with the active sports loads. Linda sent all her energy to the music channel.


At the age of fifteen, Linda and her familymoves to Moscow. The provincial girl was unpleasantly struck by the morals prevailing among teenagers, she could not form a circle of communication for a long time. It was then that Linda was carried away by the theater, with pleasure attended the classes of the collective of folk art, took part in all the productions and performances of the amateur troupe. Her mentor was Yuri Galperin, and it was thanks to him, according to the singer herself, she successfully entered the music school. Gnessins.

Linda's decision to study at the department of varietyvocals caused confrontation in the family. His father, a fairly successful banker, was categorically against such kind of undertakings. She was prescribed the profession of a lawyer, but such a future did not attract the girl at all. And she still managed to insist on her own. Parents were forced to give in and agree with her decision.

singer lind biography

Way to success

During the years of Linda's education,composers and producers. But she felt on an intuitive level that all that is offered to her does not correspond at all with her inner sense of music.

Fate makes Linda a gift. And this gift becomes an acquaintance with the extraordinary and talented musician Andrei Misin. With him was recorded two compositions, during this period appeared a creative pseudonym, under which we now know the singer. And during this period, Linda first gets on television. It happened in Jurmala at the "Generation" competition. And it is during this period that the girl starts climbing her musical Olympus, and the biography of singer Linda is gaining creative momentum.

Big success

During the performance at the Jurmala scene, a youngand the talented singer is noticed by the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis. Soon the name of Linda (singer) becomes known both to the audience and to the musical circles. At this time there were songs "Non-stop", I want your sex and the very first hit "Playing with fire".

But, as Linda later recalled, and it was not thatThe direction in music, in which she wanted to be realized. Max Fadeev was involved in changing the arrangement of "Games with fire". It was after this creative union was formed that the fans recognized the real Linda.

Biography of singer Linda in this period is richevents like never before. In August 1994 the album "Songs of Tibetan lamas" was released. And after this musical event - a series of live concerts and the first tour tour. In 1995, the album of remixes "Dances of Tibetan lamas" was released. The author of the music was Maxim Fadeev.

Linda singer biography family children

1996 was the year of release of the album "The Crow"who most glorified our heroine. In the late nineties, the biography of singer Linda was full of tours. Stadiums greeted her with a standing ovation, she shocked the audience with her behavior, and her name began to accumulate a lot of rumors and conjectures.

Circumstances have developed in such a way that MaxFadeev was forced to move abroad. Subsequent years the singer acts only with the old program, in her repertoire for this period there were only a few new compositions. Relations between creative partners have worsened, and then completely disappeared.

Until early 2000, Linda toured forcountry. The financial situation deteriorated significantly, she even had to sing on corporate parties. In 1999, the song "White on White" was recorded. The text was written by Linda herself, and music by Max Fadeyev. This song was their last joint work.

All subsequent compositions and albums did not bringgrowth of popularity of the singer and could not raise the level of her creative success above the album "Crow". At this time, Linda often changes the image, alternately preferring different styles and directions. Linda gives concerts on small venues. After the performance at the club "Point" she disappeared from the media space.

What was she silent about?

Both fans and detractorswondered, where did Linda (the singer) go? Unknown facts often turn into the most incredible rumors. At that time, even gossiped about the suicide of a famous performer. Linda (singer, personal life, photo, the smallest details of her creativity aroused keen interest of her fans even when she disappeared from the TV and radio screens) only in the spring of 2003 appeared with the composition "Chains and Rings". This was the long-awaited news for the singer's fans. The song was written specially for Linda Mara.

The clip for the song "Chains and Rings" was created with the participation of Japanese animators, they drew a second version, which, unfortunately, never came to the screens.

It was with this song that the singer's return to the media space of Russia began.

Marriage and Bloody Faeries

In 2005, the biography of singer Linda replenishedanother significant fact. This year she meets Stefanos Korkolis, a musician who has worked with many celebrities, including Peter Gabriel, Milen Farmer, Despina Vandi.

The acquaintance of the musicians took place absolutelyaccidentally. Upon delivery, the messenger confused the discs, and Linda's records included unfamiliar musicians. When clarifying the circumstances of the confusion, the singer met Stefanos. In the autumn, Linda travels to Greece, the homeland of the musician. Korkolis becomes the new producer and composer of Linda.

In the spring of 2006, two clips were shot in Greece at oncenew songs of the singer "I'll steal" and "The labeled". Relations with Stefan Korkolis cease to be exclusively creative. Now they are united by love.

In the same year in the short-term "Mir" a presentation was heldalbum "AleAd". He got his name from the first syllables of the names of the mothers of Linda and Stefanos. The singer starts concert performances in Greece. The local audience will know who the singer Linda is. The biography of the performer is supplemented with a new fact: moving to permanent residence in the homeland of a beloved man.

In 2012, the acoustic album Acoustics by Bloody Faeries becomes a joint creation of the musicians. Old songs are based on the basis, but they are given a completely new sound.

Linda singer biography and creativity

In 2012, Linda and Stefanos Karkolis were married.

"Lai, @!" - a new milestone in the singer's work. According to MusicBox, the album was the best and received numerous positive reviews.

Unfortunately, both the creative and the family allianceLinda and Karkolis disbanded in 2014. In one of the interviews the singer said that there were several reasons for taking a time-out in the relationship. Affected by the language barrier, and the fact that the views on further creativity in the spouses did not fundamentally coincide. Karkolis preferred to practice classical music, and Linda is not interested in this at the moment.

The couple was in a relationship for seven years, but the children were marrieddid not appear. Now only the common creative heritage binds them together. Former partners managed to maintain friendly relations, their break did not give reasons for gossip. Linda and Karkolis speak very warmly of each other and about the years spent together, and their break is called a "creative break".

Linda (the singer). Interesting Facts

The singer always had an unusuala manner of behavior, loved and knew how to shock the public, the most unimaginable rumors always went about her. Very often the truth about Linda is no longer distinguishable from fiction. Drugs, sexual debauchery, suicide - rumors about them in connection with the singer's name were often placed on the front pages of the "yellow" periodicals. But, strangely enough, all this went well past the singer. Linda was brought up in a very strict family and always obeyed her laws. She does not tolerate tobacco smoke, she never used drugs.

At the entrance exams at the Musical College. Gnesin Linda sang a folk song. Later, her teacher Vladimir Khachaturov said that she coped with the task brilliantly.

The author of the clip script for the song "Begi" was Daniel Siegler, who used to work with Björk.

Creativity of Linda is adored by Hare Krishnas living inRussia. They are habitues of the singer's concerts. Linda herself said that she had nothing to do with this religion, and the Hare Krishnas sing and dance at concerts just because they like her music.

It is said that Linda's coat for the clip "Circle by hand" was made from pure flax by two women from Norway, and its details are woven according to ancient patterns preserved in the museums of this country.

The soundtrack album "Crow" was recorded live fromusing 17 exotic and ancient folk musical instruments. So, to achieve the desired sound of a single pipe, the musician who played it needed to be swinging like a pendulum ...

Linda Singer Interesting Facts

Another reason for gossip is the ageperformer. Very closed personality - Linda (singer). How old is she? In the information sources, you can find some discrepancies about this. April 29, 2016 the singer will celebrate her 39th birthday.

In early March 2005, the singer, who draws throughout her life, finally yielded to the persuasion of friends and arranged an exhibition of her own paintings.

Throughout his creative life, evenat the peak of popularity, she never starred in New Year's shows. The only exception is that in 2004, in "Neglected Fire" Linda performed a wonderful children's song "Fly, doves, fly!".

On the question of which places are the most expensive and loved by the singer, she replies that it is Italy, England, Iceland. And she adds that she adores Russia, because here her family, her relatives, roots.

Frankly about the innermost

Linda does not pamper journalists. She is not a fan of social gatherings, the events of her life are hidden from prying eyes. All the more valuable are those few interviews where Linda (a singer, biography, whose personal life we ​​are interested in) even opens a little for admirers of her talent. In one of them the singer said that she relieves tension and fatigue with long walks along the streets of the city. And from the feeling of sadness and anguish gets rid of drawing, although he admits that it is in this mood that she is able to create something meaningful.

The singer says that the relationship with StefanosKarkolis had a great influence on her nature, she became more open and free. The singer claims that she understands people well. First of all Linda is a singer. Biography, family, children - all this we consider in the article. The actress very much likes children, but to choose between music and education of the child in its plans does not enter. Linda fears that she can hardly become a good mother, but to decide what is more important in her life: career or family - she is not ready.

linda singer unknown facts


Creativity of the singer can hardly be calledsingle-valued. But she has her dedicated fans who have been following her activities for twenty years. It is for them that now the singer Linda works.

"Pencils and matches" became the ninth in a rowalbum in the artist's work. Singer Linda, whose biography is full of ups and downs, does not intend to dwell on this. Her marriage has failed, but it does not confuse the creative person and only makes it stronger. "We did a lot together. They wrote good songs, released an album. Now everything is different. I went further, "Linda said in an interview.

linda singer biography personal life

In the summer of 2015, Linda went to the main stagefestival "Invasion" - the largest all-Russian musical event in the open air. She is a welcome guest of the national radio stations of the country. Most recently, the singer was pleased with the live performance of listeners of "Our Radio".

In November 2015, the singer presented a new song - "All are aching!". The composition was immediately found in radio air. Linda writes music and lyrics to her songs, gives concerts in clubs.

As well as throughout the whole creative activitysinger, the fans are again worried and are speculating about new rumors that are not so new. Allegedly, Linda decided to change her creative pseudonym and stop her creative activity in Russia. Time will tell.

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