How to become a lady, win respect from others and attract success in a career

There are people who are categorically not satisfied with the second roles, but, unfortunately, something prevents something from taking the first place, successfully managing as head.

Psychological attitude

The answer to the question of how to become a business lady is covered up,as psychologists like to say, in reasons. Complex complexes, low self-esteem, uncertainty in their own abilities can hinder achievement of the cherished goal. These mental manifestations are not taken from nowhere and are also associated with a certain negative experience.

It is these problems that are preventing modern womento show oneself "in all its glory", prevent to understand how to become a lady, feminine, desirable and interesting person not only for business partners, but also for one's own companion in life.

You can overcome your fears, but only findingthe experience is positive. For example, the fear of talking on the phone - a fairly common psychological problem, when you do not know what to say, are afraid of the reaction of the interlocutor at that "end of the wire", etc., is solved quite easily. Today, a modern man is available a lot of services: delivery of food at home or in the office, telephone specialists' consultations (bank employees, brokers, advertising agents, legal services and others). All these people (service workers) are so trained to answer on the phone that the person who appeals has a pleasant impression, he turns to this or that firm for the service again and again. Under such conditions, you will easily gain a positive experience of communication on the phone, which will give you the courage to call someone whose number you are so afraid of typing.

By the same principle, otherproblems directly related to the stated topic - "How to become a lady?": to gain more positive, and to the negative moments, which unfortunately happen (and not so often as it may seem to a person with low self-esteem), refer philosophically: " well, it was and was. "

Thanks to positive experience, a person findsself-confidence, successes achieved, whatever they are expressed (the same productive conversation on the phone), go into the category of personal, thereby increasing self-esteem. As a result, behavior, gestures, gait, facial expressions change. This is how every person is able to overcome the stage of the "caterpillar" and turn, finally, into a butterfly - beautiful and unique among themselves.

Matching the image

In our culture there is a very definiteimage of a woman: she must be well-groomed, dress fashionably, behave according to the situation (always noble), be feminine, attractive. This is really important for creating a favorable image of yourself in the eyes of others. How to become a lady, how to create the right impression?

The answer lies in the observance of a certain style: in clothes and in appearance as a whole. The style of a business lady, for example, does not tolerate bright colors (neither in cosmetics, nor in clothes, nor in a hairdo). Ethics of speech, behavior at the table, knowledge of the psychological features of the negotiations - all this will play into your hands if you clearly imagine what role you should play in society, while remaining yourself, showing your best qualities.

To make it easier to navigate, tune in tothe right way, find in your environment a woman who can not help but admire, watch her and take over the best. No matter how strange this tactic might sound, it works without fail and really helps to learn effectively in a clear example.

If the second role is not for you, change yourconsciousness, attitude, image, manner of communication (if necessary), learn from the best how to become a lady, and you will not regret the time and effort spent. This noble goal will bring the desired changes in your life.

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