Kostkina Lyudmila Andreevna: career and biography

Kostkina Lyudmila Andreevna (Federation Council) - deputy of St. Petersburg, a member of the party "United Russia". She was vice-governor of St. Petersburg Social Policy. In the biography of a political lady there are, as well as many prominent figures, ups and downs.


Lyudmila Andreevna was born on September 10, 1949 in the Irkutsk Region, in the Alzamay district, in the village of Chuksha. Her parents were geologists. All of Lyudmila's childhood passed in Leningrad.


After graduating from high school Kostkina LyudmilaAndreevna, whose biography is described in this article, entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. Krupskaya. She graduated from an educational institution in 1971. She received a specialty in the field of cultural and educational work (club worker, director of the amateur collective).

kostkina lyudmila andreevna

Then Kostkina Lyudmila Andreevna continuedtraining in the Academy of National Economy under the Russian government. She graduated from the university in 1996, becoming a master of public administration. In the same year, she graduated from the Academy of Entrepreneurship. Received an additional specialty in the field of municipal and state administration.

Initial labor activity

In the period 1987-1991. Lyudmila Andreevna worked first as a department head, then as deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of the capital's district council of people's deputies. Then she became deputy to Moscow, and then head of the Petrogradsky district.

Political career

In the period 2003-2011. Lyudmila Andreevna Kostkina was appointed to the vice-governors of St. Petersburg. At the same time she was a member of the government of St. Petersburg. She was in charge of overseeing the work of the Committees on Social Policy and Health, the Directorate of Social Welfare, Veterinary Medicine and Horticulture. Also oversaw the activities of the FIU in St. Petersburg and work to protect the rights of consumers and health insurance bodies.

Vice Governors of St. Petersburg

In 2011 Lyudmila Andreevna became a deputy of the St. Petersburg 5-th convocation of the territory of the Kirov region. Voting for her candidacy was three times, because in the first two Kostka did not pass. She is an active member of the party "United Russia". Since October 2014 Kostkina Lyudmila Andreevna began to work as the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Social Policy, representing state bodies from St. Petersburg.

Appointment to the vice-governors of St. Petersburg

Appointment of her as vice-governor, asdiscussed above, passed with some hitch. The candidature of Lyudmila Andreevna was put to the vote by Valentina Matvienko. Despite the fact that the parliamentary commission approved Kostkin, she did not get 26 deputy votes. This result was a complete surprise for many. A second vote was taken. His results were almost the same, adding only a couple of votes.

After that the chairman of the commission on social questionsEvdokimova reassured Lyudmila Andreyevna that everything would be fixed. There were opinions that Kostkin was not missed because of male chauvinism, according to another version - that she was a rather weak politician.

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Nevertheless, the promised correction beganresults of the first and second ballot. They were declared a "technical mistake" by Valentina Matvienko. After that, a meeting followed with the heads of the parliamentary parties. A few hours later, a third vote was held on the nomination of Kostkina.

This time, she unexpectedly pulled ahead andscored more by 40 votes than its rivals. Many were surprised that in just a few hours, fifteen parliamentarians changed their opinion of Lyudmila Andreyevna.

Activities as vice-governor

As vice-governor of Kostkin, LyudmilaAndreevna was not particularly distinguished. Sometimes she missed making decisions on important social issues. For example, when Lyudmila Andreevna was approached by defrauded co-investors, she did not give them any real help, although she headed a commission on their problems. There were many such examples during Kostkina's time in the post of vice-governor. Benefits did not bring also her participation in solving many social questions.

At the end of 2011 Lyudmila Andreevna was seized by an illegal flasher. She was in Kostkin's car during planned raids of UGIBDD and the FSB. According to Lyudmila Andreevna, special signals in the car were installed initially, but she never used them.

kostkina lyudmila andreevna biography

In December 2011 Kostkin retired at her own request from the post of vice-governor of St. Petersburg. There was an opinion that this step was taken to move to the Legislative Assembly. The nomination came from the party "United Russia". In the end result, Lyudmila Andreevna really began to work in the Legislative Assembly.


Kostkina Lyudmila Andreevna in his spare time prefers walking on the open air. Love to swim in the pool, and in winter - to ski. In the summer, Lyudmila Andreevna often rides a bicycle.

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